Wednesday, June 26, 2013


"I hover over the reputation of Jesus. I am about to restore you to how I think of Him. For too many years, those of you who call yourselves by His Name have been allowed to show others He is something that He is not. He is not weak, nor is He a hypocrite. He is not jealous and given to infighting. He does not covet riches. He does not take what is not His. There is no pride or fear in Him. Jesus always flows in perfect love. He never thinks of Himself before others and although He is God, He never esteems Himself higher than the lowest of creation.

Worthy of all praise, surrounded by glory, adored by all of the heavenly host, Jesus is King of all Kings. He is the Lord over everything, praised through all eternity, and honored with the highest honors for all time. He is Jesus. There is no name in heaven or on earth that is higher than that Name. He is Lord, and delights in being your true Advocate Friend. What kind of representation have you given Him? He has given you His Name to carry in your world. Have you lifted it up so it is held in the esteem that it is due, or have you brought it down to the level of every other name? It is time for you to be an advocate for your Advocate."

Hebrews 1:3 AMP

He is the sole expression of the glory of God [the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine], and He is the perfect imprint and very image of [God’s] nature, upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power. When He had by offering Himself accomplished our cleansing of sins and riddance of guilt, He sat down at the right hand of the divine Majesty on high, …

You and I represent Jesus! Have you ever given that enough thought to have it become truth in your spirit? You and I bring either honor or discredit to His Name by the way we act, speak, and live. We carry His Name.

The Bible tells us to raise up a child in the bent in which he or she functions. When she was younger, our daughter, Jubilee, understood and functioned in the concept of compensation for works; so Merry and I established an honor point system for her. In other words, Jubilee was given our own form of compensation for the proper representation of Jesus and our family. This, of course, was over and above the normal praise for who she is and how valuable she is to us, which we bestow upon her lavishly. She is an honorable girl with a wonderful heart.

Points were given when we observed or were told of some "above the normal," high function. Someone else had to initiate it on her behalf. Points were removed if she brought discredit in any way. When she reached a certain number of points, she received some specific object or privilege that delighted her heart. The delightful thing was that she did not go around trying to be a good representation in order to win points, but her becoming aware of proper behavior through this reinforcement of points helped her to flow naturally in what God desires for all of us.

Our "system" was a mechanical way of making Jubilee aware of the fact that she is a representation of Jesus and our family values everywhere she goes and to everyone she meets. People know something about Jesus and us when they meet her. We have been told by others over the years that they see the character of Jesus being formed in her as she grows in Him. Jubilee always delights our hearts, but when we see her prospering in the joy of the fact that she understands how she really belongs somewhere and is part of something as important as representing two very valuable families, we praise God for that wealthy concept in her.

People know Jesus by how each of us acts. We may not receive tangible honor points or get a reward because of the way people see Him through our actions; but one day, we will see if we truly have brought glory to His Name. Jesus is the Name above all names. Father God is forming us to wear it well.

Teach me how, Lord.

Jim Corbett

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