Monday, August 26, 2013


“I now ask you to walk freely in the anointing that I have given you. You must stir up the gifts and talents that you have, so that My church is recognized. Apostles, I call you into service. Prophets, come to My throne room to receive coals from My altar. The time is now for you to hear from Me. Do not follow the foolish teachings of man concerning your office. I demand My kind of integrity. You will be held accountable once again. Evangelists, take the torch of My Word and ignite the fire of love in the hearts that have been prepared by the seasons at hand. Share truth, not foolish doctrine. Give people My Son, Jesus.

Pastors, become the shepherds that you have been called to be. Shake off all the frivolous duties that encumber your calling and seek Me in a new way. Your people need you to give them fresh manna, not tired, predigested food from someone else because you are too busy to spend time with Me. Teachers, hold truth close to your heart. Cast aside traditions and teachings of man. They will no longer satisfy those of My children who hunger for truth. Teach only My Word. Teach from experience in My Word, not hearsay. Become a student of Me again, receive My presence, then go forth to feed My people. My children, listen closely. I need you to break free from the Sadducees and Pharisees.

Shake off the bondages of the street-corner servers of milk. Receive the heart-searing coals of repentance and holiness. Live the crucified life. Get rid of your flesh. Walk in the power of Jesus. Exchange your old life, your old ways, for My ways. Accept all that I have for you, and give all that I give you to those who will hear. You have been called; now move in My power, not the traditional, empty power of those who haven’t spent enough time with Me to know what I have to say in the coming days. I am waiting for you!”

Ephesians 4:11-13 NIV

11It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,

12to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up

13until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

John 20:21 NIV

21Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

As the world grows darker at an alarming rate, there is an increasing hunger for truth in those who are called and prepared to hear truth. People in the church of Jesus Christ are weary of foolish doctrines, lying prophets, showboat evangelists, and pastors who no longer have what is needed to help their flock.

The world, on the other hand, has cast aside most of the churches in their community. Any effectiveness that they once may have had has been nullified by hypocritical Christians and ignorant, cold messengers with nothing pertinent to say for their lives. Few Christians can show them Jesus because they themselves have not been with Jesus and His Word.

My wife, Merry, is an accomplished pianist. As a part of many groups, she would impart the joy she felt when each musician did his part and flowed with the other musicians. Even my tin ear could distinguish the difference between a good and a bad orchestra. Sometimes, however, I would be mesmerized, along with the others who were listening, as the Holy Spirit would take the offering of the musicians and anoint it, empower it, and use it to break hard hearts and cold pew sitters.

I’m convinced that the church of Jesus Christ should have that same effect on the world first and then on each other, as we function freely in our individual gifts, empowered by the Holy Spirit. There should be no one out-of-tune with the Master conductor. There should be no one who misses one beat of the Lord and His Word. Each - having studied, practiced, and received from the Lord - should flow with the others to produce a mesmerizing presentation to those who are listening. It’s time to present the biblical Jesus to those who need to see and hear Him.

Needing to seriously “tune up” the instrument that I have been given,

Jim Corbett

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