Monday, September 9, 2013


“I am requesting a standard of excellence from My people. For too long the world has not seen Jesus in those who call themselves followers of Him. It has caused much hardship for those who need to find truth for their lives. Many have fallen by the wayside because My people would not love as He loves. Now only those who have submitted to My refiner’s fires will be entrusted with the working of My Word in this closing season. I am raising up a holy people, people who look and act like Jesus to a world dying and out of answers. Do you choose to be part of My remnant warriors? Will you turn completely to My work in you? Will you surrender fully to My hand upon you to train you to love as Jesus loved? Will you surrender your life as He did?

I need you to say “yes” before I begin a deeper work in you. If you choose not to submit to this preparation, you will not be part of what I will do through My holy vessels. You will observe from the sidelines and long to be able to join in My work, but you may not because I cannot trust you. The price to be part of this bridal preparation will be everything you are and everything you have. How far will you go with Me? What are you willing to give to glorify Jesus? Make your choice now. I am waiting.”

Esther 4:13-14 AMP

13Then Mordecai told them to return this answer to Esther. Do not flatter yourself that you shall escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews.

14For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion?

2 Cor. 5:20a NIV

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.

Heb. 12:9-10 AMP

9Moreover, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we yielded [to them] and respected [them for training us]. Shall we not much more cheerfully submit to the Father of spirits and so [truly] live?

10For [our earthly fathers] disciplined us for only a short period of time and chastised us as seemed proper and good to them; but He disciplines us for our certain good, that we may become sharers in His own holiness.

1 John 2:6 AMP

Whoever says he abides in Him ought [as a personal debt] to walk and conduct himself in the same way in which He walked and conducted Himself.

Throughout most of our lives, the enticements that the world offers us, not the passions of the Lord, have proven to be the focus of our attention. They are the basis for our selfish pleadings to our Father and really are the gods that we serve.

Because of our lack of desire to focus on our life in Christ as the only reason that we breathe, when the world grows darker as predicted by the Bible, most of us will be so consumed with fear that we will be unable to represent Jesus to those who desperately need Him. We will walk around the same as those in the world, wide-eyed and drooling rather than being able to rise above all of the clamor as Jesus did.

The Holy Spirit is wooing the church of Jesus Christ to prepare as a bride would prepare for a coming wedding of hearts. Through trials, tribulations, and extreme challenges, He is posturing each of us to get our priorities straight. By leading us to the end of ourselves, and placing a new hope in those who will listen, He is calling us to set aside all of the ways of the world and embrace the ways of Jesus as our only reason for living. In doing so, we will be prepared for His coming and able to overcome the hazards that are soon to come our way.

This call is a call to holiness - a pursuit oftentimes not considered attainable or even a necessary part of every Christian’s heart - which will initiate a bridal heart desire that will allow the Lord to live His passionate life through devoted, surrendered vessels. It can be one of the most exciting adventures of your life if your heart’s desire is to increasingly make room for more of the most priceless treasure ever given to anyone – Jesus Christ. As you respond to the heart of God and increasingly develop a posture of waiting for Jesus’ timely return, you will then guide others to His heart as more hear the same call.

Make me passionate about what You are passionate about, Lord,

Jim Corbett

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