“Do you live a life of truth? I’m not asking if your life makes sense to those who haven’t heard what you and I have discussed, and judge you with their own ideas of what following Me means. I am asking you, are you listening to what I am saying to your heart and following Me in obedience? You see, I’m not really concerned if My cold church understands your life. Most of them have forgotten how to follow Me long ago. I am concerned though that you, those of you who are responding to My training, remain faithful.
Are you doing what I ask you to do, no matter how it appears to others who cannot see? If you are, understand that you will make those who judge your life very uncomfortable. In fact, that is why I have placed you in their midst. They don’t know it yet, but I am exposing their lives through your life. I am using you to bring light to their sinful hearts and traditional beliefs that deny My sovereignty.
Keep following Me. There will come a time when I will vindicate your life. I will move on your behalf and others will be amazed. Some will even come to repentance for judging you. I will forgive them. Others will go about the business of judging and condemning with their hearts. They will eventually get to a point where I cannot reach them. Pity them, but move on with Me.”
1 Cor. 4:2 AMP
Moreover, it is [essentially] required of stewards that a man should be found faithful [proving himself worthy of trust].
I Peter 1:14-15 AMP
14[Live] as children of obedience [to God]; do not conform yourselves to the evil desires [that governed you] in your former ignorance [when you did not know the requirements of the Gospel].
15But as the One Who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct and manner of living.
The Lord is shaking up His present day church. He is separating those who will truly follow Him from those who will stop short of His will when it becomes uncomfortable for them.
If you have a heart to glorify God with your life and spend enough time with Him to hear His true heart, you will, at times, appear to be a fool to those around you. You will stand when others sit, move when others are hamstrung with fear; and turn left when others can only follow a call to go right in their carnal logic. You will often be alone. People will give up on you. People will judge you according to their entrenched standards. Be at peace; you are in good company.
Few understood Paul’s life at the time He was called to live it. His actions defied the logical thinking of the day. He was considered foolish to those who had raised themselves up as leaders. Only when the Lord chose to have people understand the logic of His ways did Paul’s life make sense.
In this present time, God is calling His trusted servants to an intimacy with Him. If you have responded to that call, you will hear His heart for your life. Sometimes what you are asked to do will make little sense at the time you are told to do it. Make sure that you have heard your instructions clearly, and that they line up with His Word; then move with your Lord. Do not fear those who are standing in judgment. Follow God.
Teach me to follow only You, Lord,
Jim Corbett
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