Thursday, January 23, 2014


“Get up! Arise! Today is the day for you to step out of the prison of your old lives. It is your resurrection day! I have removed the gravestone of those past days. I will remove the grave clothes of your former lives. Out of the ashes of the refiner’s fires I have guided you through, I will build a fortress of love that will guide others to Me through you.

It is time to step deep into the anointing I have placed on your lives. As you celebrate the brilliant life of My Son, I will celebrate the victories that We will walk through. You have been faithful with little; now I will give you the stewardship of much to be used for My kingdom. Walk only with those I have called to you. They will be the support of your hands and the energy of your feet. Be wise with what I place in your hand. Honor Me in all that you do. You are about to begin to flourish in the season for which you’ve been trained.

Rejoice! I am about to overcome every challenge that comes your way. I am about to win every battle that you face. I am about to fulfill every plan I have ordained for you from the beginning of time. I am about to have you enjoy the fruit of your obedience. I love you!”

Exodus 17:12 AMP

But Moses’ hands were heavy and grew weary. So [the other men] took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side and one on the other side; so his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.

Deut. 1:6 NIV

The Lord our God said to us at Horeb, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain.”

2 Chr. 16:9 NIV

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him...”

Psalm 127:1 AMP

Except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; except the Lord keeps a city, the watchman wakes but in vain.

The Lord often takes His loved ones through intense refiner’s fires. Sometimes these fires are seemingly so consuming that we feel as if we are going to perish. Sometimes we wish we would somehow be relieved of them. Even our death would be a relief, or so we think.

There comes a time, however, when the Lord breaks His fast for our lives and says that it is time to get up and get going. The fire is past. It’s time to move forward in the new life that He has established for us. At that time, we are to get up, shake off all the residue and ashes from the fire, and move in His newfound power and freedom. We are to look only to the future and forget the perils from the past.

It is time to retain a rock solid belief that Jesus is Lord, you are His, and He loves you and has given you His presence so that you can move forward. If this is your time, do it now. Walk in freedom.

Tell me when to get up, Lord,

Jim Corbett

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