“Who in the land is out to prove Me faithful? Who has made it their goal to glorify My Name? Who is willing to pay any price for the privilege of carrying My Word to a cold church and a dying world?
I have many who say that they will; but over and over, when the pressure gets too great and the trials become too intense, they turn away unwilling to pay the required price for My anointing. What most do not know is that they were on the very threshold of breaking through to victory. Most never knew what they could have done with Me, if they had only withstood the pressure a moment longer. I would have poured everything that I have and everything that I am into them, just as I did with those who remained faithful in My Word.
Where would you be if Paul had given up because of the pressure put on him? You, My remnant, need to understand something. My anointing no longer comes cheap. There is a great price to be paid if you want My presence on what you do. Most of those you know will not be willing to pay the price. I know that, so I am eliminating them by bringing fiery trials into their lives, so that their true nature will be revealed.
Those who overcome will soon move in a power that has been unavailable to My church for some time. Those who fall away because of the pressure will never know what could have been. You need to decide how important My presence is to you.
Do you wish to remain with those who are remaining in an old anointing, or do you crave to be with Me in what I am doing in these end times? If you choose to move with Me, it will cost you everything. Are you willing to pay the price?
Before you answer, you had better count the cost. If you choose My better way, I will be your ever-present Lord. The world will know that Jesus dwells in My people, because they will see Him once again in you. Does that mean enough to you to submit to whatever it takes to carry His Name in that manner? If it doesn’t, move aside now. Step out of your calling and be put aside during this time.”
Exodus 33:13-16 NIV
13“If I have found favor in your eyes, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.”
14The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
15Then Moses said to him, ”If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.
16How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?”
Acts 21:12-13 NIV
12“When we heard this, we and the people there pleaded with Paul not to go up to Jerusalem.
13Then Paul answered, “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
Can you imagine Jesus stopping short of the cross because it was too difficult? What if Paul had deemed that the cost of his ministry was too high? What if either of them, or the countless others who have been raised up for specific moves of God throughout biblical history, had refused to pay the price to accomplish their calling? Where would we be?
Except in the case of Jesus, I’m sure that the Lord would’ve found someone else to accomplish the task at hand; so what about the ordinary guys like us who refuse to pay the price? Can you imagine facing our Lord, knowing that we refused Him because we thought our challenge was too difficult?
At this moment, our Lord is calling out a remnant of sold-out believers. Because of the task that will soon be before them, He is presenting increasingly difficult trials to them to expose their level of commitment to Him. His anointing will not come cheap to this generation any longer. These fiery tests will help to develop a rock-solid commitment in those who embrace all challenges presented. Conversely, they will eliminate anyone who feels that the price is too high.
Each person who had an impact on his or her generation was raised up for that specific time. Every one of them was faced with the same decision that we face today - to do what they were called to do, or stand on the sidelines while the Lord accomplished His will through someone else. We hear about, read about, and pattern our lives after those who said “Yes.” Those who refused, well…
Let that not happen to me, Lord,
Jim Corbett
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