“It seems that I need to remind you that as you are in covenant with Me, you are also in covenant with each other. You are members of one family with Jesus as the head. You are joined with each other by His shed blood. That connection is stronger than your original birth.
Why then do you not understand your commitment to each other? How can you claim that what you have is your own when you know of your brother’s or sister’s need? How can you not care for them as strongly as you care for yourself? Jesus gave His life for you. How can you war with each other when He lives in each of you? You exchanged your old selfish life for a new spiritual one. Now you are to become an advocate for Jesus as He is for you. You are also committed to become advocates for each other. You are breaking your word to Me when you don’t.
Love others as I have loved you. It is one of My ways to show the world of My love. Repent of your ways and love each other with My kind of love.”
Matt. 5:3 NIV
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Heb. 12:2 NIV
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, *endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
*Definition of endure: To remain firm under anguish or misfortune, without yielding, with the hope of others being lifted up.
Jesus - who was intensely wealthy in the spiritual realm - was poor in spirit, and functioned as our Advocate, rating His own safety and comfort insignificant for our sake. He functioned with an advocate heart in two ways – toward His Father and toward us. We are to do the same.
Jesus had a passion to empty Himself and live a life devoted to others. He would never lift Himself up or hold Himself in higher esteem than anyone else – even the lowliest leper. Even though He was God, He held everyone in His heart as more important than Himself; especially those who laughed at, tortured, and crucified Him. He could not be wounded by their sin; He could only see their desperate need…
In the true spirit of advocacy, Jesus also desires to see His Father put “first” and is constantly looking to have Him glorified. His delight is in having Father God as the object of esteem in the hearts of those He loves. All of His mortal life, and now all of His kingly life, undergirds and points to the Father. There is no “one-sidedness,” however, as all of the Godhead - in unity of spirit, being one - point to each other’s wealth.
As the Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus, who functions as our advocate, delights to see us accepted and perfected. He would gladly go to the cross again and again, if He had to, so that we could prosper and be complete in His Father’s love; and so that His Father would continually have the pleasure of our company. (Praise God that everything was finished once and for all at Calvary!)
With Jesus as our example, and with the Father’s love flowing through us, we are to walk as advocates for our Lord, each other as believers, and then on behalf of those who have need. Our adoption into the family of God, our sonship, gives each of us the heritage and ability to do so through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Teach me to love others as You love me, Lord,
Jim Corbett
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