“Have you noticed that My story continues? I continue it in every person to whom you show Jesus. People know My plan because of the joy that they see in you, your increasing dedication, the passion you are developing for the deeper things concerning My plan; or when you settle for a plan that is far less than I intend for them to see.
They know it when you fail desperately, but have some place to go and get relief as you come to Me. They see it when I anoint what you do and you pass the credit back to Me. They may not understand. Some may hate who you are becoming. Others may be given taste buds for more of Me. Some delight in your failures to represent Me properly.
Be assured, all notice. Each and every moment you breathe, My story goes on through you whether you live properly or you remain unmoved. I trust you to carry My story with the life that it deserves - the life of Jesus. I wait for you to understand the importance I place on how you show Him to others.”
Mark 6:30 NIV
The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught.
Luke 12:48b AMP
For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required; and of him to whom men entrust much, they will require and demand all the more.
Most of our lives we walk around representing ourselves, our employer, our parents, etc. All of a sudden, one day we give our hearts to Jesus. Our reasons rarely even resemble the proper reasons of serving God and His plans. Most of the time, they are because of our need, or the comfort of relief from sin. Little do we know that from that very moment, we become representatives of God. Because we became His, we now are the example of either the incredible life-changing power won for us at the cross of Calvary or a dull, religious practice. Once we accept Jesus, there is no turning back. No matter how we act - good, bad, or indifferent - we are telling others who He is by what we do and who we become. What an incredibly sobering thought!
Forgive me for all the times I have not represented You properly, Lord,
Jim Corbett
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