Thursday, March 19, 2015


“Do you see how different things look when you focus on someone else as you go through a trial of your own? There is great power in the way that Jesus functioned. He was focused on My plans and your welfare, even during His darkest hour. Because of that, every attempt to destroy the work at hand was foiled. It is the secret to your success, because it allows Me to accomplish what needs to be done without you hindering My work in any way.

Listen to this. Whenever you are facing a trial of any kind, learn to divert your attention from the trial and focus on Me or on someone else, rather than the trial. I know that sounds simplistic, but it is the basis for perfect faith. I don’t mean that you are to avoid the trial, nor do I mean that you are to ignore it completely or make believe that it isn’t real. That would be denial and really quite foolish. Get the job done by lifting your needs to Me, but then turn your prayers and offerings toward Me in praise or on behalf of someone else.

Love as My Son loved. You will be amazed at the strength you receive to make the trial endurable. You will rejoice, even in your darkest hour, as I am allowed to place My forces against your trial with My mighty power. The battle is really Mine. The direction of your concentration exhibits and enacts faith that pleases Me and moves in My spiritual laws. Your actions, where you place your trust, either inhibit or enable that faith to accomplish its work.

Never have faith in your faith. Your faith should be in Me. When you have faith to quietly trust Me enough to allow Me to work on your behalf, as you look to the best interests of others during your trial, no power can hinder My actions. Your trial is in My hands completely. That is where it should be.”

Luke 23:33b-34 AMP

33b…they crucified Him, and [along with] the criminals, one on the right and one on the left.

34And Jesus prayed, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Hebrews 12:2 NIV

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross…

I’m convinced that Jesus was thinking of us on the way to the cross. In fact, the whole reason that He left heaven and allowed Himself to be killed by those whom He had created was for the benefit of helpless mankind.

Through it all, He was showing us how to accomplish anything of eternal value. The formula is so simple, that we continually miss it. We are called to first, find out what the will of our Father in heaven is; and then trust Him to accomplish it for us while we continually walk with Him. Being hidden from the world in that truth is how to do it.

As we study the life of Jesus, we see that His focus was on His Father’s power and on our well-being. He endured everything for the joy of knowing that His actions would set us free. Even on the cross, He was concerned for those who had driven the nails in His hands and those whose actions caused the crucifixion of the Son of God.

Luke’s account of Jesus’ time on the cross depicts three statements. The first is for those who crucified Him. The second is for the thief next to Him. The third is a statement of completion to His Father. What astounding faith in what His Father was doing, and what an astounding lesson for us! He cared more for others than He cared for Himself. In His darkest hour, Jesus had the best interests of others on His mind. He loved so deeply that His passion for us overcame His pain.

Needing to focus on everyone but me,

Jim Corbett

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