Monday, April 6, 2015


“Do you believe in miracles? Do you know that you are one? It’s true! You have been brought to life two times now, and will be given a third lifetime in the near future. That’s quite miraculous! From the first time that I breathed life into the first of your ancestors, the miracle of life has continued. You have just forgotten that it is so incredible because life takes place so often. Life is very special to Me because I not only birth it, I maintain every second of its existence in every person. I have done that for every one who has ever lived. Each of you maintain life only because I will it.

Think about your new spiritual birth. You actually become brand new creatures when you accept Jesus. I recreate you to live and function properly on earth, destroying the mutant life of sin that you inherited from the beginning of your time as a race. After I decide that your lifespan is over, I will breathe new life into you once again so that you can live with Me. Your spirits are ready, but your body will be made new. By the time you are complete, I will have endowed you with My life three separate times.

I would say that that is enough proof for you to believe in miracles, wouldn’t you? Prepare your hearts to walk fully in the miracle of your new life. The times are coming when you will need to do so. Be assured that I will be faithful to walk with you.”

Acts 17:24-28 AMP

24The God Who produced and formed the world and all things in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade shrines.

25Neither is He served by human hands, as though He lacked anything, for it is He Himself Who gives life and breath and all things to all [people].

26And He made from one [common origin, one source, one blood] all nations of men to settle on the face of the earth, having definitely determined [their] allotted periods of time and the fixed boundaries of their habitation (their settlements, lands, and abodes),

27So that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after Him and find Him, although He is not far from each one of us.

28For in Him we live and move and have our being; as even some of your [own] poets have said, For we are also His offspring.

I believe that we have taken the wonder of our lives for granted. We have become so accustomed to God’s hand hovering over us that we forget how miraculous our life really is.

There is a side-show miracle mentality that prevails in today’s church. We have clamored for a visible presence of God to boost our faith, instead of seeking His face to really know Him. Consequently, the omnipotent God is brought down to the level of man, as humble- sounding words that claim to give credit to Him from self-promoters defy the prideful hearts that accept accolades and heap God’s money upon themselves. That is not the kind of mismanagement of our heritage that I believe is on the horizon for the true church of Christ.

In the Word, we read about walls falling, chains dropping to the ground, leprosy being healed, people being raised from the dead and so on and so on. The wondrous workings of our God are really part of our heritage. They are still happening, and I am convinced that they will increase as time grows shorter before the coming of our Lord.

However, I believe a most unique and miraculous time is ahead. Instead of Christians loudly displaying the wares of Jesus for their own gain, God will have a people who will exemplify the powerful life and quiet character of Jesus Christ. The world will understand that the spirit of God is again in their midst. I am convinced that miracles will again abound, this time through the lives of surrendered vessels, those who are now hearing the call to holiness.

Not only will there be physical manifestations similar to the works of Jesus, but astounding spiritual wealth will be commonplace as multitudes walk in humble obedience to their Lord. Empty of self, surrendered fully to the Lord, and functioning in the new birth through Christ, the honest church of Jesus will be a people preparing only for heaven, and looking only for His return. We will finally be seen as the incredible miracle that we really are, as God brings His holiness to us and makes us visibly ready to receive the life of our Lord for the third time.

Needing to clearly understand so that I can fully surrender,

Jim Corbett

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