“I want you to walk through each and every door that I open for you with wondrous anticipation and careful communication with Me. Allow Me to unfold all that I have for you while you are being obedient. Examine each step to see if it is part of the plan that I have for you. Many of My children make the mistake of seeing an open door and running through it only to find that they have missed some of the markers along the way. They then run headlong into trouble and confusion by not waiting for Me to plan their steps. Walking with Me through an opportunity is a process. There are times to move and there are times to wait for things to be put in place. Often there are times when I tell you to wait for a while before your next step.
In these times, I want you to have patience. Listen for clear directions. Wait for Me to light the way. Above all, rest in My arms. You see, I am not as concerned about where you are going as I am about how close We walk together as you are getting there. I want you to be so consumed with Our relationship on the journey that when We arrive at any destination, We are closer friends than when We began. The journey together is important to Me. What We communicate and deal with on the way delights My heart and prepares you for your task.”
Ps. 37:23-24 NIV
23The Lord delights in the way of the man whose steps he has made firm;
24though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.
Ps.119:133 AMP
Establish my steps and direct them by [means of] Your word; let not any iniquity have dominion over me.
Pr. 16:9 NIV
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.
I Pe. 2:21 AMP
For even to this were you called [it is inseparable from your vocation]. For Christ also suffered for you, leaving you [His personal] example, so that you should follow in His footsteps.
Because we walk with God, it does not mean that every step we take leads us to safety. There are times that we walk in obedience to Him, only to find great hardship along the way. In these times, it is easy to feel like we have missed His perfect will, especially when everyone around us is more than willing to confirm our suspicions and doubt. That is why it is most important to keep in constant communion with our Lord on any journey.
God often leads those He loves to hard places that force us to intimate communion with Him. In fact, often the communion with Him is the object of the journey that He has sent us on. That is the opposite of everything that we have been taught.
Our expectation is that if we follow God, we will always eventually be free from any form of trouble or strife. We even find doctrines that purport that if we are in some form of strife, we are out of the perfect will of God. The loving Father that I read about in the Bible loves to walk with us through difficulties rather than steer us around them.
Hold my hand, Lord,
Jim Corbett
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