Tuesday, October 1, 2013


“Adjust your timetables to fall in line with Mine and you will be free. Your struggles, your worries, and your concerns do not have a place in the life I have chosen for you. Think on this. I am God – the One True God. I have all power, power far beyond your most intense imagination. You are My child through your acceptance of My Son, Jesus, and what He has done for you. Because of that, My life would freely flow to you if you would choose to accept it. That would mean that nothing could harm the eternal you. You could be free from all strife and worry simply by trusting that I care enough to take care of you.

Your life is not free only because you hinder Me. Satan is defeated. There is no hold over your life to stop you from receiving My presence. Why do you choose to believe the lies of the world that bind and condemn you instead of My Word that eternally works in you to set you free? I love you. Choose to receive Me and My Word and you will be free.”

John 8:36 AMP

So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free.

I Thess. 2:13 AMP

And we also [especially] thank God continually for this, that when you received the message of God [which you heard] from us, you welcomed it not as the word of [mere] men, but as it truly is, the Word of God, which is effectually at work in you who believe [exercising its superhuman power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it].

I love the term “glory-strength” in the verse above. The idea of the Creator of the Universe imparting anything to us is enough for me to walk around smiling for a long time. When I begin to really accept the idea that He has covenanted to impart whatever is needed in my direction whenever He sees the need to do so, it sets me free.

I often wonder how I would appear to those around me if I really grasped who I am in Christ, how much I am loved, and the amount of power flowing my way to accomplish the will of the Lord in my life. For starters, I’m sure people would wonder why I’m grinning all the time.

Everyone would have to admire – or at least wonder about - a spirit that is always full of joy, immovable in its identity no matter what trials ensue, and overflowing with love toward everyone – all the time. I would imagine that such understanding would allow everyone to flow in such freedom that nothing would be able to rob them of who they really are in Christ - ever.

Let’s do something! Let’s take this day to focus on even one aspect of who we really are in Christ. Let’s ask the Lord to remind us of even a single promise that He has said is ours from His Word. When our minds begin to stray from that promise, let’s pull that promise back into focus and receive it again as ours - which it really is. As we do this, when we receive it - I mean really receive it as ours - let’s smile.

Let’s take another promise tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. Maybe we can all begin to have true “glory strength” flowing from us to others as the Word changes us.

Wanting to smile, and smile, and smile,

Jim Corbett

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