Monday, October 14, 2013


“It is time to find those whom you can really trust and covenant with them. It is important for you to love every brother and sister, but some who call themselves by My Name have not heeded My warnings and My call to intimacy and holiness. They will hinder you when My presence is needed to overcome. They will not know how to dwell in My presence; and, therefore, will be unable to move with Me for real wisdom. It will be dangerous to count on them. It will not be safe to rely upon them for anything, because they will be reacting in the flesh rather than in My Spirit. That is the road to certain calamity.

True friends are those who have determined to heed the season, and seek holiness as their only reason to live. When the time for “back-to-back” warfare is needed, they will serve as Jesus served. They can be trusted. Think on this. When you need life or death counsel, power for healing, or silent guardianship, who would you rather have in your corner - someone who is playing church games or someone who has sold out to Me? It is not wrong to make qualified, prayerful assessments, even on those in leadership roles - especially on those in leadership roles. They will do much harm to young believers if they have not chosen the crucified life of My Son.

Love everyone, but find like-minded remnant people to trust. You must also make sure that you are trustworthy. If you don’t, I will require an accountability for those I send you. You know better. Trust in Me. Trust those who are trustworthy. Become worthy of someone’s trust. Become worthy of My trust!”

Ps. 91:1 AMP

HE WHO dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].

Prov. 17:17 AMP

A friend loves at all times, and is born, as is a brother, for adversity.

Matt. 7:6 AMP

Do not give that which is holy (the sacred thing) to the dogs, and do not throw your pearls before hogs, lest they trample upon them with their feet and turn and tear you in pieces.

Eph. 4:29 NIV

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Few Christians realize the harm that is caused by the violation of a trust. The Word places lies on the same level of sin as murder. They are both horrible sins because of the death that they cause. Trust violations come in many forms, and destroy at many levels.

In the situation of a marriage, loose words about partners destroy more intimacy than any other violation. They indicate a heart that is not trustworthy. Since a Christian marriage is a closed institution, one where no one has the right to be privy to anything unless the other spouse agrees, revealing the partner’s sins and failures in any form - even in jest, even “in confidence” to friends, even “for prayer” - puts a death seal on true intimacy. It also eliminates any hope of spiritual healing that is part of the marriage privilege.

In the Christian walk, few understand that trusting one another is paramount to growth, safety, and spiritual warfare. Therefore, few Christians realize the importance of being trustworthy. Violations occur so often that it has become commonplace, almost expected, that unbreakable trust is no longer part of our mandate one to another. (It must be understood that there is a gigantic difference between forgiving someone and being able to trust him or her again. We must always forgive, but trusting again only happens when the violator has grown to become trustworthy once more. That sometimes never happens. Forgive, and walk in the freedom of that forgiveness; but don’t be foolish enough to share your intimacies with someone who does not hold them in the highest esteem. That’s not godly wisdom.)

In the times ahead, trustworthy friends must be found. When you need prayer cover because of your stand for Christ, trustworthy friends are those who actually pray fervently when they say they will. They never betray your confidences. Although they may tell you hard truth from the heart of God for your growth, they never side against you, no matter how many failures you have displayed. They may not agree with you, but are always “for” you, rather than “against” you at the first sign of trouble, etc. They are those who fear the Lord and His Word, and put it into action, always. That only comes from being with Him.

Needing to grow up as a Christian,

Jim Corbett

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