Saturday, April 12, 2014


“Never compromise what I’ve called you to do! Never allow others to deter your calling with their carnal wisdom and street logic. I have trained you for a specific mission. There is purpose for your life. Others have not heard what you have heard from Our time together. Others have not been through the refiner’s fires you have endured and from which you’ve benefited.

Walk with My counsel. Join with others who are moving in the same direction in which you have been called to go, but never allow them to change your course. Seek wise counsel, yes; but the final approval of your life will come from Our time together. Rely on My Word. Rely on the wisdom I have given you. You are called and anointed to a specific task. Your life is important! Let’s move and have Our being together!”

Acts 15: 36-40 AMP

36And after some time Paul said to Barnabas, Come, let us go back and again visit and help and minister to the brethren in every town where we made known the message of the Lord, and see how they are getting along.

37Now Barnabas wanted to take with them John called Mark [his near relative].

38But Paul did not think it best to have along with them the one who had quit and deserted them in Pamphylia and had not gone on with them to the work.

39And there followed a sharp disagreement between them, so that they separated from each other, and Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus.

40But Paul selected Silas and set out, being commended by the brethren to the grace (the favor and mercy) of the Lord.

Acts 21:13 AMP

Then Paul replied, What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart like this? For I hold myself in readiness not only to be arrested and bound and imprisoned at Jerusalem, but also [even] to die for the name of the Lord Jesus.

Obedience is big to Father God. An obedient Christian is developed over time through direct contact with the Lord, allowing Him to change the rebellion in each of our hearts. As He refines us, He also defines our lives. Each of us is tailor-made to live a specific life, which is ordained by God Himself and accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit. To have someone, who hasn’t heard what you’ve heard and hasn’t paid the price that you’ve paid in prayer, try to modify what you’ve been called to do is a violation of the trust the Lord has placed in you. It’s an attempt to redefine the life the Father has called you to live.

It is very important to find trusted friends who understand who you are in Christ and are dedicated to always speaking truth to you, so that you can keep your direction in life in line with the Word of God. However, you are the only one who will answer for your life when you come face to face with the Lord. He has the final say in either calling your life significant or lighting the bonfire that contains the wood, hay, and stubble you’ve presented to Him.

Your way, not my way, Lord,

Jim Corbett

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