“Few people understand the significance of each moment of every day. The world uses the opportunities given them to further their private agenda, causing them to remove themselves further and further from reality as I see it. My church is supposed to redeem each moment for My purposes. Most of them have little understanding of that concept. They flounder from concept to doctrine to offense to false faith. In the coming days, few will be fully prepared to weather the storms. They will not have prepared themselves by spending the necessary kind of time with Me to understand My heart. When they do come to Me, it is to amplify and tailor their own agendas, rather than to learn what I desire to teach them.
You, My seeking hearts, must function in the truth that I have been teaching you in Our quiet moments together. You must remain focused on My purposes and not be drawn into the trap of a survival mentality, losing the ability to hear Me clearly. Your days must be spent flowing with Me for My purposes to be accomplished, no matter what attempts to remove you from My presence. You need to remember this. Hold it close to your heart. I never move from the place where you have always found Me. Circumstances and loud voices, pressures and violent winds never draw Me from My place of absolute control. You will always find Me in the quiet place of rest and refreshing. Always remember how I have taught you to place all of your hope and trust in Me, not in your own ability.
Remember how you have learned to flee to Me in times of darkness. Remember to never become strong in the power of your own might, attempting to use your faith in faith, rather than in My presence. I remain in the calm waters of reality as I see it. All that happens is simply the implementation of My overall plan for your world coming to a close. Use each moment from now on to practice My presence from My place of rest and refreshing. In the turbulent times ahead, that will be the place where you will find Me. Others will be looking for Me to change their world and protect their possessions in places of turmoil and urgency. You come to Me where I have taught you to find Me. We will move together in the power of My might, implementing My desires each moment of every day.”
Joshua 5:13-14 NIV
13Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”
14“Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord, I have now come.”
Phil. 4:6-7 AMP
6Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything , but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests) with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.
7And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Few of us realize that our life with the Lord is not about winning or losing. It is not about our personal safety, the protection of our possessions, or the welfare of our little world. Everything is about the eternal plans of our God and Father.
So many of us have decided somewhere deep in the dark recesses of our selfish little hearts that, no matter what it says in the Word, God is there to serve us, rather than face the truth that we are created to serve Him. That may seem to be a very elementary statement; but the fact is, few of us have the solid understanding that none of this is really about us. It is all about God. We are simply players in His plan, deeply loved players, but players none the less.
Our pride causes us to want to be acknowledged and recognized. We all have a desire to feel needed and important. Often that translates into a self-centered kind of notion that we are somehow helping God. It is almost as if we have gone from our initial position of helpless insecurity, in which we realized our desperate need of a Savior, to a feeling of being indispensable to His plans.
As I look around at the many winds of doctrine that flourish in these times, few of them have centered on the absolute sovereignty of God. Few teach that all of this is not about us. We are never really told to grow up, take God’s Word in its entirety, and look at the overall picture. If we should ever do that, our whole perspective will change and any worries will fall pale in light of His glory. God will again be placed in the position of honor that is due Him, a place high above anything we can fathom from our lowly perspectives.
Wanting to always say “Abba,” never “Uncle,”
Jim Corbett
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