“What are you doing for others? I have placed you in places and given you tasks to do, so that the people around you will see Jesus. That is one of the main reasons why you have been called into My kingdom. I want you to represent Me. Look away from yourself. Look to the needs of others as your priority. I will take care of you. Be an advocate for someone just as Jesus is an advocate for you. Love deeply. Care more. Walk with real purpose for your life. Serve instead of expecting to be served.”
II Cor. 5:20a AMP
So we are Christ’s ambassadors, God making His appeal as it were through us.
Heb. 12:2 NIV
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
As the Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus, who functions as our advocate, delights to see us accepted and perfected. He would gladly go to the cross again and again, if He had to, so that we could prosper and be complete in His Father’s love; and so that His Father would continually have the pleasure of our company. (Praise God that everything was finished once and for all at Calvary!)
With Jesus as our example, and with the Father’s love flowing through us, we are to walk as advocates for our Lord, each other as believers, and then on behalf of those who have need. Our adoption into the family of God, our sonship, gives each of us the heritage and ability to do so through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Those walking as advocates delight in seeing others become all that they can be in Christ. Seeing any less motivates them to respond for the good of those individuals, even at a loss to themselves.
When someone comes against the advocate heart, there is a godly desire to have the offender eventually walk in all of the wealth of the Lord, for the sake of the Lord. To respond in any form of retaliation would be unthinkable. Advocates will love deeper than any argument. In fact, any accusation or injustice only causes them to desire that the other is forgiven and restored before the Father, never from a position of loftiness, but from the heart of lowliness.
Recognizing their acceptance with God, their heritage, their rights, and their privileges (which come via the work on the cross,) but esteeming others more significantly than themselves or their own needs, people walking with the heart of an advocate are wonderfully free. Jealousy, loss of reputation, perceptions of others, fear, and pride have no hold on them.
Teach me to ignore me, Lord,
Jim Corbett
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