“My church and most of its leaders are now paying the price for rejecting My ways for hundreds of years. What is called My church has gone through a metamorphic change, from basking in My presence to becoming places where My Spirit is not really welcome. Now I will do what I have always done in the past. I will raise up a people who are truly Mine, with My heart and My love for others. Those of you who have finally admitted that all is not well have now become free to know that I am moving you closer to Me, even when those around you do not desire to do so.
Church games are over. You will not find Me where there is a mixture of flesh and traditions. Do not be afraid to discern when I have left your fellowships. Become familiar with My presence by spending time with Me. Then you will know where I am and where I am not. Flee from where I am not. I will show you where to go and how to get there. Trust the Spirit of My Son. He will identify with His Spirit in others. That’s where I want you. You who are hearing are My people. I am delighted with you.”
Exodus 33:14-16 AMP
14And the Lord said, My Presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.
15And Moses said to the Lord, If Your Presence does not go with me, do not carry us up from here!
16For by what shall it be known that I and Your people have found favor in Your sight? Is it not in Your going with us so that we are distinguished, I and Your people, from all the other people upon the face of the earth?
God will always have a people who are sold out to Him. They are distinguished by having the true presence of God in their midst. History has proven that when organized churches turn to traditions and lackluster functions, God moves His presence somewhere else. It has been that way throughout the ages and is happening now. Because of our books, we have the privilege of communicating with people all over the nation, even the world, who desire more of Jesus. For a long time we have heard the heart cry, “Where can I go where people are not playing games? My church is so cold!” It is the heart of the remnant bride calling out.
In the past, the Lord would raise up new fellowships or storefront churches that housed sold-out, dedicated believers who had only God’s heart in mind. They were available to hear from Him. He could freely move them to do His will, rather than deal with the “religion” of the stationary, complacent bodies that were so prevalent. He is doing the same now. Please understand, I also know of entire fellowships who have jointly scrutinized their lives and repented, pastors who have had a new encounter with God; and growing, vibrant fellowships that hear and teach the truth. There are pastors who lead congregations directly from the throne room of God, because they themselves have been there.
In areas where the traditional churches have become frozen, however, - where pastors have lost their first love and the desire to seek and teach holiness and are more concerned with sheep stealing or the business end of church - small Bible studies, home fellowships, and places where several families meet together with the Lord are springing up. Dedicated to prayer, honest praise and each other, and listening to the Holy Spirit, these little groups of devoted hearts are part of God’s representative people. They understand the times and seasons in which they live and are returning to their knees for direction, rather than simply participating in another distracting program. They are examining what they believe and holding it in the light of the Word of God for accuracy. If it can’t stand up under the scrutiny of the Word, if it is a belief for the sake of believing, if it is only a baseless tradition, it is discarded.
God always has a people who desire to hear only from their Lord and seek His face, laying down their lives and building holy alliances to address the needs of the day. He is rebuilding His church, holy and strong in His power, all over this land – a church that is desperately needed by a dying world. If you have seen only cold, dead religion where you are, look closer. God always has a people that represent Jesus. You seek the Lord and His holiness, and go find them.
Wanting to represent Jesus more clearly to others and with others each day,
Jim Corbett
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