“It is only by My grace that you have even enough strength to breathe. It is also by My grace that you can do unlimited exploits for Me if I call them into existence. As you take your life from Me, I give you My life. Think on that. Jesus died so that We could have fellowship. He lives to bring His life to that fellowship. You can do all things through Him by the power of My Holy Spirit. It is a work that is continually renewed in you. Why waste one more moment walking in your own ways? Choose My ways so that I can apply My grace to them. My ways are far above your ways. So much more could be accomplished in you and through you if only you would submit fully.”
John 14:12 NIV
“I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.”
2 Cor. 5:20a NIV
We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.
A spirit of righteousness sees others as God sees them. Someone functioning in a spirit of righteousness is always seeing and loving others as God does. Our Lord looked at everyone with one purpose in mind: He wanted them to be with Him for eternity. It didn’t matter who they were, or what they had done, especially to Him. He could only see them in love.
In His heart, because He was righteous, it was impossible not to love. He even loved others deeply on His way to the cross, because He knew that some of those who were crucifying Him would be with Him in heaven because of what He was about to do for them.
His righteous heart could not see their sin, only their need. While He hung there bleeding, He still was aware of the needs of those around Him. Looking left and right, He dealt with each person in His Father’s love and willing acceptance, if they chose to accept them.
Looking to His mother, He could see her with spiritual eyes even then, and sensing her sorrow and loss, made provision for her needs. Looking to the mocking crowd in His righteous, bridal love, He could only ache for their need of forgiveness and cry out on their behalf. Even now, in righteousness, He is praying for you and me, still looking past Himself to us. How can we not follow Him?
I am often in awe when I think of how Jesus could function righteously in all circumstances. It astounds me to think that part of His covenant promise and provision for us is to do likewise. It seems so remote, and at times even hopeless, as I see my sin. In those times, the only hope that I do have is His Word, and I can rely on that. He told me that if I repent of who I am not, He would make me who He is.
I choose Your ways, Lord,
Jim Corbett
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