“Do you know that when you truly find Me in your heart, you will find Me everywhere? Maybe you have forgotten this basic truth. When I am the reason and focus of all that you do, there is really no room for fear, confusion, doubt, anxiousness, or any other emotion that would hinder you from seeing My presence on everything in your world. Remember the “first love” time when Jesus was your everything? Remember the brightness of love that you felt? Recall how you felt about your needs and fears. In fact, try to recall anything that could move you to distraction. There wasn’t anything, was there? That kind of insight and freedom is the heritage of anyone who allows Me to totally consume his heart through the cross.
Circumstances, situations, peril of any kind - even death - have no hold on you nor bearing on your decisions and actions. Obedience and continuous fellowship with Me allow you to rise above everything that would normally hamstring you and immobilize your life. I planned it that way. I am your safety. You have been made to dwell with Me in all that you do. When you leave My presence, you become fair game for the enemy of your soul.
Observe your life. Determine to recognize any areas that you have allowed to become independent of Me. Those areas will one day cause you great harm. Bring them back under My Lordship. When you do, you will have postured yourself to flow with Me in absolute freedom, rising above your carnal limitations. You will be able to see everything from My perspective. From here, there is nothing that can hinder us in anything We decide to do together. I have created everything and everything submits to My hand. When you dwell with Me, you will thoroughly understand that.”
Amos 4:13 NIV
He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, he who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth – the Lord God Almighty is his name.
Acts 4:29-31 AMP
29And now, Lord, observe their threats and grant to Your bond servants [full freedom] to declare Your message fearlessly,
30While You stretch out Your hand to cure and to perform signs and wonders through the authority and by the power of the name of Your holy Child and Servant Jesus.
31And when they had prayed, the place in which they were assembled was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they continued to speak the Word of God with freedom and boldness and courage.
If God is not who He says He is, we are all in a whole lot of trouble. If, however, He is all that He is shown to be in His Word, we are the most privileged beings ever created by His hand. We have the astounding heritage of receiving unlimited interaction and fellowship with Him. From the safety of His presence, we have been formed to hold His presence wherever we go and in whatever we do. If we choose to accept it, we are untouchable by anything because of His indwelling in us.
One of the hazards of having a calling as a watchman is the awareness of the world around me and its function in accordance with the Word of God. Continual in-depth study of the times and seasons and their implications brings the Biblical consequences of items in the daily news clear and up close.
As important as that is, there are hazardous possibilities that accompany that kind of mission. It is very easy to get my eyes off of the Lord and focus on the very apparent dangers that are unfolding every day, especially in this end-time season.
Without the power of the Lord to continually pull me back to His Word - and the reason, comfort, and freedom that it imparts, bringing His presence and purpose back in focus - I would remain locked in a continual state of fear, which would discolor everything I do. Too often, I am distracted for too long, fluctuating back and forth from freedom to fear when some issue is highlighted by the Lord. It is not a lack of faith in my God whom I know is faithful; it is a misdirection of focus because of the overwhelming responsibility that I feel. Only as my Lord directs me back to Himself and His Word can I break loose, and once again flow completely in His freedom, knowing that in Him there is no fear and no urgency other than His urgency to bring souls into the kingdom.
Needing to “tuck in” every moment,
Jim Corbett
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