Monday, December 1, 2014


“Do you see how relentless the darkness has become? How are you preparing to handle what is about to occur? Are you hiding your head and making believe that things will remain the same for you? Are you crying peace and safety? Are you hoping that you will remain comfortable? I am preparing the hearts of those who will listen for times that are racing your way. If you will come, I will teach you to use My weapons against any enemy.

These weapons are not of this world. They are powerful to tear down strongholds in the heavens, which will create places of rest and refreshing from the battles when all else is in turmoil. When will you submit to My training? Soon the world will need what you have been given. Soon nothing but My presence will overcome.

Turn your eyes from whatever causes you to be blind to what is really at hand. Look to where I am. Submit to My ways, so I can use you to be a resource to Jesus. The world is out of answers and spiraling into horrible depths. You have the answer! He is Jesus. It is the power of the cross. It is the power of His life living through you!”

Ps. 4:8 AMP

In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust.

Ps. 121:1-2 NIV

1I will lift up my eyes to the hills – Where does my help come from?

2My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

2:Cor. 10:3-5 NIV

3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.

4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

And so, the preparation of the bride for the return of her Groom, Jesus, began in earnest all over the world. The heavenly hosts, charged with the anticipation of something wonderful about to take place, moved to carry out their now increasing activity with a wonder of it all. The heavens resounded with a symphony of endeavors that would crescendo with all the hosts bursting forth in praise as the Lord would soon appear for His own.

A momentary brightness, a window of grace, a season of harvest would be released upon the earth before the coming purging which all preceded the coming of the Lord for His people. The earth, in response to the Lord’s command, groaned and strained as if in childbirth, as a warning to those who had eyes to see or ears to hear. Natural disasters such as unparalleled storms, earthquakes, and flooding would leave many helpless and without hope. Man-made disasters such as fires, riots, rampant terrorism and unbridled crime made citizens demand something be done for the safety of the majority. Although all was, in His mercy, a fulfillment of God’s promises to reveal to mankind its helplessness without Him, and to allow those who would hear the opportunity to repent, many would scoff at the thought that He had a hand in it at all. More police, more organization, more law, more money, would become the cry. Instead of turning to God, most would turn their backs on Him all the more, with ever hardening hearts.

Those who would respond to the call to holiness and to full submission would walk in intimate fellowship with their Savior. If they chose to move selflessly and reverently with crucifixion power, they would see the wonder of God in their daily activities. An irresistible wooing, except to the most hardened heart, would become visible to the church first, and then to the ripe fields ready to produce their crop in abundance.

Let me hear and see with Your heart, Lord,

Jim Corbett

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