“As I challenge each of you to become like Jesus, you must remember one very important fact. I am the only One who can make the changes that are needed in you. You can never change yourself. Any attempt to do so enters into the realm of religion and destroys My concept of relationship. Religion is man’s vain attempt to become good before Me. It causes striving, a system of good works in an attempt to impress Me, and much condemnation when you realize that you will never achieve the goal of holiness.
A person who has an honest relationship with Me, however, understands his complete and total bankruptcy. In his deepest inner parts, there is no hint of the possibility of achieving anything in his own strength. Anything that might be accomplished in him or through him is understood to come from Me. That is the kind of relationship for which Jesus died. He died so that you could cease from any striving to better yourself. I promise to do all of the work of perfecting you and making you holy.
All I ask you to do is come and spend time with Me. As you do that, I will impart Myself to you. Each time We visit, a little more of you is perfected. While We enjoy each other, My Word is accomplishing its task. The call that I have on your life is impossible for you to accomplish, especially in the coming times and seasons when I will require the out-flowing of Jesus in your daily walk. It will require total death to your flesh, a painful process.
Although there will be times of agony, when all you can do is hang on to My promises, I will be hanging on to you, holding you close to Me. In the easier times, let’s have fun together, while I am accomplishing My work in you and for you.”
Hebrews 10:14 NIV
because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
Those who desire to draw closer to the Lord and become all that they are intended to be know that religion, good works, and striving have no part in their lives. Sometimes, however, every one of us has a tendency to fall into the trap of each one of those elements, especially when we hear the call to holiness and preparation for the coming of our Lord.
As the Father reveals all aspects of His heart, sometimes I reel with the overwhelming challenge that I am called to face. I begin to condemn myself for who I am not, cower at the prospects ahead of me as a Christian in the coming times, stagger at the weight of my responsibility to represent Jesus properly; and become discouraged as I attempt to prepare for His return. It is then that I remember that none of this was my idea in the first place. My Father has ordained my life and has promised to fulfill His plan for it and in it. My job is simply to need Him desperately.
In the above verse, I am so encouraged by the words “those who are being made holy.” The wonderful part of “he has made perfect forever” is pretty incredible and difficult for me to understand fully; but “being made holy” soothes my heart. At this very moment - and every moment until we are with our Father in heaven - the process of making us holy is being accomplished, because we have surrendered our lives to Jesus and His completed work on the cross. It is being done for us as we embrace the astounding honor of spending time with our Father. What an incredible, assuring promise!
Gratefully jumping on the lap of my Abba,
Jim Corbett
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