“It’s time to take cover in Me. There is a season soon ahead that will confuse the world, and destroy the puny strength of many who trust in themselves and what they have. In the near future, true strength will only be found in your relationship with Me. It will be the only thing that you can rely upon completely. All other relationships will be shown for what they really are.
Many who call you friend this day will turn their backs on you because of Whom you represent. They will hate Me; they will hate My Son for taking away their right to remain in their folly. My truth will cause them to make choices that they have no intention of making. They would rather perish in their false beliefs than embrace the One I require them to embrace to be safe for eternity. Because you represent that truth by serving My Son, you will be blamed for everything that inhibits their destructive agenda. Even though you represent love, you will be accused of hating.
Remember to love deeper during those times. It will bring forth rage from those who really have hate as their motive. That hatred is not really against you; it is against Me. I will be strong for you. I will empower you to love through Me. When everything in your flesh demands satisfaction, I will show My strength of submission. The enemy has no tools to combat someone who freely gives away what others want to steal. Jesus gave away His life. It foiled the power of the enemy then; the same kind of submission to My ways will foil the intentions of your enemies now. Come under the protective power of My kind of love. It will be your place of safety.”
John 10:17-18 NIV
17“The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life – only to take it up again.
18No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.”
1 John 2:6 AMP
Whoever says he abides in Him ought [as a personal debt] to walk and conduct himself in the same way in which He walked and conducted Himself.
1 John 4:18 NIV
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The man who fears is not made perfect in love.
Any fears that we have come from ownership of some kind. If we claim ownership of our possessions, we are always fearful that they might be taken from us. It is the same with our reputation, position, and even life itself. Whatever we hang on to can be forcefully taken from us. Whatever we willingly give away can never be taken from us. There is no fear of loss, so we are free to love as Jesus did.
Jesus owned nothing. He functioned in perfect love. He gave away His position in heaven to become a servant of those He created. While living with those whom He had created, He counted Himself less than they were, never fought for His reputation, never cared what anyone - other than His Father - thought of Him; and willingly gave His life for the good of others. His love was so perfect that no one could overcome Him. The enemy was soundly defeated because he did not even know how to fight that kind of war.
Satan loves contention, thrives on strife, and wins every battle when the participants demand their rights or claim ownership of anything fought for. The outcome of that kind of battle has no winners except him.
As Christians, we have lost our ability to overcome the moment we walk in any way other than the way that Jesus walked. Soon, battles for position will rage all around us. Wars for rights will be everywhere we go. The world will be full of strife and contentions, demanding control.
During those times, perfect love will be the only safe way to function, if we are to show others the life that Jesus lived. Words, strengths, position, and possessions will all fall away and fail. Perfect love will overcome. It will be God’s place of safety for us.
Needing to learn God’s kind of love,
Jim Corbett
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