Thursday, June 27, 2013


"Do everything that I tell you to do even if you have to do it afraid; I’ll meet you there. Go where I tell you; I’ll show you the way. Walk where there seems to be no path; My light will show you where to step. Speak what I tell you to say; I will back it up with My Word and My presence. I will guide you, direct you, and support you as you walk in obedience to My commands in your life. Do not ever doubt that. You have been in training. You have been taught to listen to Me rather than the world, or even the traditions that the church follows. I have trained you with My own hand. I have given you My perspectives on My Word that change the hearts of those who have ears to hear. I have shown you what is about to take place. You have a knowing that few others have.

I have also kept you needing Me for your every move. In your need, you have learned to look to Me for everything. I now can trust you with much. I now can pour into you everything that is needed to accomplish My will for your life. Do not be limited by the small visions and insights of those who haven’t heard what I tell you in secret. You will no longer have to settle for the crumbs from the table of those who have filled themselves on My provision for you. I will release the needed provisions from those with clenched fists. In the coming days, you will see why I have taken you through the tests and trials you have faced. Soon I will silence the gossip. Soon I will show the loud voices whom they have been following. Soon I will remove every heavy hand from your life.

Those who have touched you without My permission will be exposed for who they really are. They will stumble on the stones that they have thrown at you. They will be confused by the same lies that they have said about you. They will be blinded by the confusion they have strewn around your lives. You are now My trained vessels. You are now My new warriors, fit and trained at My own hand. Go forward no matter how dark the path might seem. I am with you. My presence will guide you. My power will accomplish everything that you will need. Trust what I have taught you. Receive now what has been set aside for your work. I love you."

Deut. 31:8 NIV

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

Matt.10:18-20 AMP

18 And you will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a witness to bear testimony before them and to the Gentiles (the nations).

19 But when they deliver you up, do not be anxious about how or what you are to speak; for what you are to say will be given you in that very hour and moment,

20 For it is not you who are speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

Matt. 14:27 AMP

But instantly He spoke to them, saying, Take courage! I AM! Stop being afraid!

Rev. 22:17 AMP

The [Holy] Spirit and the bride (the church, the true Christians) say, Come! And let him who is listening say, Come! And let everyone come who is thirsty [who is painfully conscious of his need of those things by which the soul is refreshed, supported, and strengthened]; and whoever [earnestly] desires to do it, let him come, take, appropriate, and drink the water of Life without cost.

God will always have a people. God has a people in training at this very moment. Most of them are not visible to the world and even to the church right now. I believe, however, that they are about to be released from the training in which the Lord has had them; and that they will function in the power of His presence.

In the eyes of the world, most of the church of today is little more than a carnival act. It is a sideshow that is discredited and laughed at by those who boast of their sin openly. They see it as powerless to hinder them in any way. The world has no fear of strong words that are meant to challenge them and little or no respect for the ones who speak those words, and rightfully so.

Most of the visible actions, traditions, and expressions portrayed as God’s Word or displayed as having God’s hand in action are nothing more than well-rehearsed slight-of-hand and practiced deception. Fools have taken His Word out of context and out of line with its original intent in order to fool the needy and the spiritually hungry. What is heralded across the land as having the presence of God with it is often nothing more than emotional manipulation coupled with biblical text to supposedly give it authenticity.

The real church of Jesus Christ has quietly been in training. They have been learning discernment directly from the heart of God. They have been exposed to absolute truth at the feet of Jesus, driven there by the pressures put on them by the sin-embracing church. They have received the heart of God in the presence of God during their intimate moments with Him. They are soon to be brought forth in power to affect their generation with the truth of the Word of God.

In the near future, I believe that the real church of Jesus Christ will rise from the ashes of the lives of those who have willingly submitted themselves to the refiner’s fire. She will consist of those who have craved holiness, truth, and only the presence of God in their lives. She will be adorned with the wonder of the heart of Jesus, equipped with the mighty sword of the Word, and dressed in the spotless garments of the glory of God. She will not have a hint of flesh or the slightest taste for anything the world has to offer. She will be a sold-out, holy people looking only for the coming Bridegroom and moving only for His desires. She will be a holy people set apart from those who have chosen to remain in their empty religion.

Wanting to be counted as holy in God’s eyes,

Jim Corbett

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