Wednesday, April 30, 2014


“Do you remember that I own every beat of your heart? What if I were to call you home today? Would you have fulfilled My desired plan for you? Would your life have been of consequence?

You really have a choice. You can do many great and not so great things. You can look to others as if you had a deep relationship with Me because of your many activities. But I know. I know if We have spent enough time together for you to fully understand My will for your life. I know the difference between good activities and anointed steps guided by My heart. Come to Me now to learn of My purpose for giving you more beats of your heart. Come and allow Me to make your life of great consequence.”

Proverbs 16:9 AMP

A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.

Proverbs 20:24 AMP

Man’s steps are ordered by the Lord. How then can a man understand his way?

Isaiah 2:22 AMP

Cease to trust in [weak, frail, and dying] man, whose breath is in his nostrils [for so short a time]; in what sense can he be counted as having intrinsic worth?”

If you were to take all of the imaginations of mankind, all of the wealth, knowledge, and power of all of the men and women that have ever lived and combine them, multiplied by one million to the millionth power, it would not compare to the wonder of one moment of God in His ordinary (for Him) daily activities and interactions with us. With all that our Father God is and has and has done, His heart has favor toward the opportunity He created for those He formed from the ground of the earth to be in association with Him.

This love association is an unparalleled drama that has overwhelmed the mind of the scholar, disgusted the heart of the bigot, softened the heart of the needy, and filled to overflowing the heart of the child. In all of the wonder that is our God, the most amazing aspect, which has baffled mankind throughout his time in existence, is the well-put phrase in the Book of Psalms, “Who is man that you are mindful of him?”

Thank You for caring about my life, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


“When are you going to start believing the truth? When will you decide to trust all that I say in My Word, instead of trusting how you feel or what the enemy of your soul has told you? Any part of you that you allow to believe a lie causes strife and contention. That area of your life does not allow My Holy Spirit to reign over it. Only discord and the disruption of My peace prevail. Why would you allow that to happen?

My ways - the ways of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and My Word - all point to a way of absolute peace and freedom. I have provided that abundance for you. Choose to be in accord with truth. Love deeper. Forgive more. Care for others. Trust Me! Bring life, not death, in all that you do. Believe and walk in the truth. It is the way of the wise. It is the way that I have chosen for you.”

Psalm 127:1 NIV

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.

Gal. 5:22-26 AMP

22But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness,

23Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [that can bring a charge].

24And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires.

25If we live by the [Holy] Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. [If by the Holy Spirit we have our life in God, let us go forward walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.]

26Let us not become vainglorious and self-conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another.

I Thess. 2:13 AMP

And we also [especially] thank God continually for this, that when you received the message of God [which you heard] from us, you welcomed it not as the word of [mere] men, but as it truly is, the Word of God, which is effectually at work in you who believe [exercising its superhuman power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it].

A while back, I had the opportunity to observe two families. The setting was at a swimming pool at a hotel. One family was Christian, and the three children had been home schooled all of their lives with God as the center of their schooling and the Bible as the foundation for all that they lived. I know this because I talked to the parents. The other family had all the trappings of the world and typified what most would call the “beautiful people.” Their children were enrolled in a secular, private school and seemed to lack for nothing materially. Both families were there for some educational competition and seemed equal socially.

The families did not know each other, so I was able to observe them in their own environment, separate from each other yet in a common atmosphere. There were differences in age and gender, so they had little reason to interact and remained as autonomous family units.

Over the course of the afternoon, each family obviously had opportunity to interact, resolve differences, and engage in conflict if they were so inclined. That is where the striking differences came forth. The secular family functioned as separate people, loosely joined by a family bond, seemingly only tolerating each other because of that bond. They trudged through the afternoon, demanding their individual rights, imposing their diverse opinions on each other, and biding their time until something more interesting occurred later that day. All had something different planned for their individual lives once the pool time ended.

The Christian family was bonded in love and respect for each other. They were a delight to behold as they each seemed to strive to please the other. They embraced the fullness of the day, sharing and loving openly, whole-heartedly enjoying, respecting, and building each other up. They lived the truth of God’s Word as a family. The difference was remarkable, the contrast astounding, and the impact of the truth of the Word in action was evident every moment of the afternoon. The concepts of God and His Word were so lived out by this family that they were “bright” with living truth. Their lives were such a presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that everyone there - even the parents of the other family - noticed that something was different about them. The foundation of their lives, individually and collectively, was biblical truth - and it showed.

Show me how, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Monday, April 28, 2014


“I know that your situation seems never-ending. I understand that you have been waiting for Me to move on your behalf for a long time. At this moment, you need refreshing. Remember My promises. Remember why you are where you are. Look at your situation from My perspective and find My perfect will. Look first from the perspective that I am perfecting you. I am training you to wait on Me. Quiet your heart of accomplishment. Stop struggling against those things that cause discomfort to your flesh.

Listen to Me. Listen to My Word. I am working on things that you can’t see and in ways you will not understand, if you approach them from a worldly perspective. Be still and know that I am God, your God. I am with you. I am for you. We will make it through this together, if you look to Me.”

Psalm 18:1-2 NIV

1I love you, O Lord my strength.

2The Lord is my rock, my fortress and deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, he is my shield…

Psalm 46:1 AMP

God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble.

Psalm 46:10 NIV

“Be still and know that I am God...”

II Cor. 4:16-18 AMP

16Therefore we do not become discouraged (utterly spiritless, exhausted, and wearied out through fear). Though our outer man is [progressively] decaying and wasting away, yet our inner self is being [progressively] renewed day after day.

17For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory [beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!],

18Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal (brief and fleeting), but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting.

One of the most important books I have ever read other than the Bible is a book called Waiting on God by Andrew Murray. It is a small book with 31 two or three page chapters, ideal for daily study.

The main premise of each chapter is that the waiting on God is as important, or even more so, than any result for which we might wait. In our waiting on God, we gain God Himself; His desires, His perspectives, and His heart. The physical results of that waiting - or, in most cases, the removal of any trial we were enduring - fall pale next to having His presence, which is gained in the waiting time. Our impatience is the enemy of any real work that our Father is doing.

I choose to work diligently while waiting quietly, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Saturday, April 26, 2014


“Drop in on Me sometime. I’m really the perfect host. I don’t care what you look like. I don’t care where you’ve been before you come. It matters little to Me if you’re dirty or if you’re clean. I don’t even care if it has been a long time since We’ve been together. I simply desire to be with you. I miss you.

One thing I would like to tell you, however, is that if you do stop in, I need you to want to be here. Don’t come to Me out of some religious obligation. Don’t come because you think that you need to come, or that it makes either one of Us feel better if you pay your obligatory visit. I don’t feel better when you come and leave your honesty and integrity outside My door. You don’t feel better when you are here and you can’t look Me in the eye because your heart is far from Me. How foolish your visits are when there is no real interaction.

If you do all of the talking, what would ever be accomplished? I have much to say to you. I have much to tell you about your world and about the times and seasons in which you live. I will give you infallible directions on how you can prosper, even during the confusing times which lay before you. I will impart My power to you to strengthen you for the battles which you will incur. There is no hope for you if you don’t receive My strength.

When you come, expect this – I will welcome you with open arms. I will offer you everything that I own. I will feed you with the finest food from My private storehouse. Some foods you have never tasted before. You may stay as long as you like. You may come as often as you desire. Please understand, My door is always open. Oh, yes, bring a friend. I love your friends, especially the lost ones.”

Heb. 4:16 AMP

Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].

Suppose that once upon a time, every one of us had little hope of any relief from all of the consequences of our actions. Let’s say that we all were condemned to pay the full price for our foolish actions. We were even cut off from God.

Then, let’s say that because of the undeserved actions of someone who loved us very much, all of our consequences were removed from our lives. Added to that - because of that wonderful person’s love for us - we all got to communicate with the Creator of everything whenever we needed to receive mercy, grace and forgiveness, fellowship, or anything else we would ever need.

Now, let’s say that, even though we had the right and the privilege of going to God any and every time we needed anything, we chose not to do so - simply because, oh, simply because we chose not to do so. Some other time, let’s talk about how brain-dead we would be!

Rushing to my Father sometimes only because I am able to do so,

Jim Corbett

Friday, April 25, 2014


“Where are you leading those who are following you? Where are you taking those whom I entrust to you? Are you giving them your brand of religion, or are you leading them to Jesus? Have you studied how He would walk in your generation, and then are you teaching others to do the same? Are you the example of who He is, so that they can emulate your life and be prepared to face Me with complete confidence that their works will not burn away?

Let Me tell you some of the things that are going to burn away. All good things, even good things done in My Name that have not come directly from Me. Warm religion. Your independence of Me. Going to church because you have to go. Everything you have left after you are gone. You see, on the day that your life is reviewed, few of the things that make you feel religious and that you have done enough are what makes a difference to Me. I will measure how close you looked and acted like Jesus to those around you.

How many people cultivated taste buds to serve as He did, because they saw you doing it? How many sought to crucify their flesh through My power, because that was the example you set? How many wept for lost souls because you taught them the meaning of My kind of life? Look around you. Examine your life before it is too late. How close do you resemble Jesus to others? What are you doing about it?”

1 Cor. 11:1 NIV

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

Hebrews 12:12-13 NLB

12So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs.

13Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong.

Standing before God is not the time that you want to hear surprises about your life and the example you set for others to follow. When Jesus dropped into a society, that society noticed that He was there. They may have hated Him, or loved Him, or they ran from Him. The one thing they couldn’t do was ignore Him. His every action moved others to a decision of some sort about Him, and consequently about themselves.

Merry and I have traveled to a fair amount of places; in fact, we’ve moved to different locations as the Lord directs us. We do this on faith that the Lord will provide for us to get there and when we are there. In our travels, we have seen a pretty clear cross-section of the body of Christ. There really is a different spiritual climate in different communities. Most of the time, the spirit of that community continually entices you to fit into the religious rut of that area. When you don’t, you are set aside in some way.

We try to follow hard after Jesus. We believe that He should be our only source, and that following Him leaves little room for embracing the things of the world and calling them Christian. Our joy is Jesus and what He is doing, not what activity in His Name is prevalent at the time. It consumes our conversations, permeates our actions, and garners our full attention. Needless to say, once we have been found out, we are not liked very much. If fact, we have been the burr under the saddle of many places we have been and people we have known. I’m not talking about the world; I’m talking about the church.

We have often been told that “we just don’t fit in.” The fact is, we don’t. Empty conversations are boring compared to talking about Jesus. At social gatherings, if we are invited, we run out of things to say. Our thinking is different; our outlook is not the same. We are weird ducks, and people sometimes flee from us. (By the way, we have found many fellow weird ducks along the way. We have real, vibrant family all across the nation. God has truly blessed us with others who challenge and encourage us by their lives. The real church of Jesus Christ is alive and well in the hearts of many all across this land. People are being prepared for what is ahead.)

How well do you fit in? Are you any different than the cold spiritual climate of your area? Do you challenge anyone to live like Jesus did in His society? Are you building a portfolio of people and places that have attempted to destroy you, so that they can remain in their sin? You should be! Does the area that you live in know that you love Jesus with all of your heart, and are attempting to live as He did? If not, why not?

Desiring to truly live and love as You did, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Thursday, April 24, 2014


“You need to be patient. Allow My plans to unfold. I am at work, no matter how things may look to you. As you wait for Me to complete what I am doing in you and those around you, I desire to be with you. Determine in your heart that Our time will not be about things, needs, and wants. Let’s minister one to another. Let’s simply be together because it is wonderful to do so. Our intimacy is why I have created you. Do not waste a moment of it.”

Psalm 37:4 NIV

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 46:10 NIV

“Be still, and know that I am God...”

Psalm 150:1-6 AMP

1Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the heavens of His power!

2Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to the abundance of His greatness!

3Praise Him with trumpet sound; praise Him with lute and harp!

4Praise Him with tambourine and [single or group] dance; praise Him with stringed and wind instruments or flutes!

5Praise Him with resounding cymbals; praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!

6Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)

Going to our Lord, laundry list in hand, becomes old quite quickly. Spending intimate time with Him is the reason we have been created. We are formed to be in His presence. Adam and Eve closed the door with their sin. Jesus made the way at the cross.

It fascinates me to observe how little I really use the most incredible opportunity presented to me and to everyone who has surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus. We have been invited to spend unlimited time in the presence of our Father in Heaven, simply because He loves us. How often do we misuse or abuse that privilege?

Forgive me, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


“Never believe the lie that I can’t use you. Never think that the school you are in is not training you to reach others with My heart. Each and every lesson We go through together is valuable material for your future and the future of those I send your way. Even the smallest lesson can be used to help someone else at a future date. I am imparting the wealth of My Word in you as you seek answers for your needs. I am showing you Who I am when We spend time together. I am teaching you how faithful I am whenever I answer your needs.

One day someone will need what you are learning. Each trial, question, or need will not be wasted. Someone, sometime, will need what you have learned from Me. Trust Me! I am making you a part of the answer for someone else’s need. When you least expect it, I will use you to help that person to know Me better.”

Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV

11“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

12Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

13You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Romans 8:28 NIV

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Eph 4:12-13 AMP

12His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ’s body (the church),

13[That it might develop] until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the [full and accurate] knowledge of the Son of God, that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood (the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ’s own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ and the completeness found in Him.

Hebrews 12:12-13 NLB

12So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs.

13Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong.

I love the phrase in Hebrews that reads “stand firm on your shaky legs.” I am to do that so that others who follow me in the future might be helped in their walk. To know that in my weakness someone else might be made stronger encourages me to keep going, even though what I might be going through at the time seems to be of little benefit to others or to God.

Over the years, the Lord has used instances from my past to help others. As a matter of fact, everything I share or teach in some way comes from the sum of my past experiences with God. How about that! Not only do we get to share His message; but He makes sure we are the message, so that others can be encouraged when it’s their turn to grow.

Cause me to learn and then give away what I have learned when it’s needed, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


“Do you know that it is very important for you to ride out any storm that comes into your life until Jesus speaks to it and it goes away? Storms and trials in your life make you strong. Actually they make you weak, eliminate your own resources, and cause you to need My power. You seek Me when you can’t find any answers from your gods that you have learned to trust.

You need to know something. The rebellion in your heart is actually a desire to be independent of Me. Even though you say that you desire to serve Me and trust in Me, your inner man really desires to do its own thing. Until that part of you submits to the completed work of the cross, I cannot have the complete intimate fellowship with you that I wish. I can’t trust you with the intimate things of My heart. The old you has passed away and all things are made new, that is true. However, until all of your rebellion is worked out of you, you will not be complete. I make you complete by the trials that eliminate the rebellion in you.

So! Embrace the trials for the gift that they really are. Run to them instead of trying to find ways for them to subside. Spend your time helping Me eliminate you. Repent of your rebellion instead of pleading to be removed from the very situation that is making you more like My Son. You asked to become like Him and I promised to do everything in My power to accomplish that in you. When Jesus speaks to the trial and the needed work is completed, it will subside until the next one comes your way.

My way of removing your rebellion is permanent. Your flesh does not like it, but the eternal you craves only to have My work completed. Be encouraged! I have not forgotten you! In fact, I am very near you at this very moment, refining you and doing My work in you. Jesus will rebuke the storm soon.”

2 Cor. 7:9a-10 AMP

9aYet I am glad now, not because you were pained, but because you were pained into repentance [that turned you to God]; for you felt a grief such as God meant you to feel…

10For godly grief and the pain God is permitted to direct, produce a repentance that leads and contributes to salvation and deliverance from evil, and it never brings regret; but worldly grief (the hopeless sorrow that is characteristic of the pagan world) is deadly [breeding and ending in death].

Years ago, Merry and I endured what was, at the time, the hardest trial that had ever come our way. At times the only thing that we could do was hold each other and cry. We had lost everything, we felt alone, and had absolutely no answers. We were really afraid. In our agony, we wanted to respond to our trial. Something needed to be done, anything to make things better. We wanted to call to account those people who had part in our distress, exposing them and the situation for the fallacy that it really was. We wanted to swing back, fight, and let the truth be known.

A wonderful, long-time, trusted friend gave us possibly the wisest counsel we had ever heard. He said, “Confidence in God is how little you respond when falsely accused.” Boy, our flesh didn’t want to submit to that counsel, but we knew that it was straight from the heart of God. We shut up and gave the whole situation to Jesus.

When the trial was over, we could look back and almost pinpoint the moments when Jesus spoke into the storm and quieted the waves. He became our only defender. He was our only source for comfort. He took care of everything and sent wonderful friends to be with us.

We know that our experience is very common among believers. We both now know deep in our inner parts that the Lord can be trusted, and also know that something new was formed in us because of our relying on Him to be our only source of comfort.

I want to remember that confidence every time I am called upon to trust my God. I want to be able to embrace any situation until Jesus speaks into the storm because I know that something my Lord wants in me is being formed.

Needing to remember the power of Jesus,

Jim Corbett

Monday, April 21, 2014


“Why do you hold back from selling out completely to Me? Why do you choose to remain with one foot in the world? You are so close! You are on the threshold of entering into the rest that I have for those who no longer fear the world or choose to gain from it. It’s just commitment, a determined purpose. Say yes to Me and I will do the rest. Draw close. Choose the things that please Me. I will change your heart. I will bring you to a place where no one or nothing can touch the real you. I will strengthen your inner being.”

Psalm 51:10 AMP

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.

Amos 5:14 NIV

Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is.

Gal. 2:20 AMP

I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith in (by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in) the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

Phil. 3:10-11 AMP

10[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope]

11That if possible I may attain to the [spiritual and moral] resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead [even while in the body].

The life that the Lord intends for each of us to live is one of total freedom, overcoming the things that hinder us from living through the power of Christ. That kind of wealth comes from total commitment - the Lordship of Jesus over every area of our lives. Far from a single “altar call” experience, we are to submit every area of our lives to Christ’s Lordship as they are exposed to us. Step by step, submission by submission, a holy work takes place thereby creating more of the character of Jesus in us and eliminating more of our old life with its fears, longings, and lusts of the flesh. For some reason, some of us choose not to submit specific areas of that comfortable old life; and would rather stay very much as we are, even though victory eludes us and compromise surrounds us.

Give me a determined purpose like Paul, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Saturday, April 19, 2014


“When will you give up? When will it become too hard for you to continue, so that you quit proclaiming My Word? If everyone stood against you, decided that you were a liar, and became determined to destroy you because of Me, would you stop serving Me? What if you were falsely accused, condemned, and run from their company? Would you hold unforgiveness in your heart and strike back at those who knowingly or unknowingly came against you? When will you take the posture of the world and hate like they do, attempt to defend yourself like they do, and strike back out of anger just like they do? The moment that you do, I have lost a representative of Jesus. In that moment in time, you will have destroyed everything that I have worked in you. You will be no different than the world.

Jesus never defended Himself, never struck back, and readily forgave everyone who came against Him. He even forgave those who drove the nails in His hands. He died for you. He died so that you would no longer hate Me. He died so that you and I could fellowship once more. It cost Him His freedom, His reputation, and even His life. I require you to do the same if you want to be endued with My presence.

My child, you need to become mature in Me. Stop functioning in the ways that are understood by those who hate Me. They are looking for you to fight their kind of fight so that they can win. You come to Me. I will be your defender. I will be your strong tower. I will be your reputation.

I need to see this in you, however. If I should not vindicate you for My own reasons, if you come home to Me hated, despised, and alone, will you still praise Me, serve Me with all of your heart; and lay down your life for Me without hesitation? I need to see that I can truly trust you before I give you My presence for your endtime work. Otherwise, you will be vulnerable to the ways of the enemy.”

1 Cor. 4:9-16 NIV

9For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like men condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men.

10We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, we are dishonored!

11To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless.

12We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it;

13when we are slandered, we answer kindly. Up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world.

14I am not writing this to shame you, but to warn you, as my dear children.

15Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.

16Therefore I urge you to imitate me.

The religious leaders of that day hated Jesus because they couldn’t touch Him. All of the normal ways in which they destroyed anyone who usurped their authority or challenged their pompous arrogance failed miserably time after time. He challenged the very core of their lives and it exposed their true nature. They had such hatred in their hearts that they wanted to kill Him.

Goaded to their actions by Satan, the only thing they could do to stop the threat that Jesus had become was to kill the flesh. What is so fascinating is that by killing the flesh, they accomplished exactly what the Father had planned. The flesh of the first perfect man had to be put out of existence so that the new spirit man could rise in its place.

Standing before Pilate, Jesus had already willingly given His life. His surrender of His life, the only power that they held over Him, automatically caused them to lose the battle. In giving them His life rather than fighting for it, He did not participate in their kind of fight so they could not really be declared the winners - even if it looked as if they had won. Jesus won the spiritual battle in the heavenly realms, destroying the enemy’s tactics forever.

When you and I attempt to engage in fleshly battles, we are on the enemy’s turf. Whenever we go there, the enemy wins. We have no weapons to fight in that arena, no power to stand and glorify God, and no right to even be there. Our Father has already won the battleground of the flesh through Jesus.

Our battles are in the spiritual realm, where our Father engages in every one of them on our behalf. That is where we are to function. That is where we cannot be defeated. No wonder the enemy always wants us to engage him on his turf with his kind of war!

Your grace is sufficient!

Jim Corbett

Friday, April 18, 2014


“Few people understand the significance of each moment of every day. The world uses the opportunities given them to further their private agenda, causing them to remove themselves further and further from reality as I see it. My church is supposed to redeem each moment for My purposes. Most of them have little understanding of that concept. They flounder from concept to doctrine to offense to false faith. In the coming days, few will be fully prepared to weather the storms. They will not have prepared themselves by spending the necessary kind of time with Me to understand My heart. When they do come to Me, it is to amplify and tailor their own agendas, rather than to learn what I desire to teach them.

You, My seeking hearts, must function in the truth that I have been teaching you in Our quiet moments together. You must remain focused on My purposes and not be drawn into the trap of a survival mentality, losing the ability to hear Me clearly. Your days must be spent flowing with Me for My purposes to be accomplished, no matter what attempts to remove you from My presence. You need to remember this. Hold it close to your heart. I never move from the place where you have always found Me. Circumstances and loud voices, pressures and violent winds never draw Me from My place of absolute control. You will always find Me in the quiet place of rest and refreshing. Always remember how I have taught you to place all of your hope and trust in Me, not in your own ability.

Remember how you have learned to flee to Me in times of darkness. Remember to never become strong in the power of your own might, attempting to use your faith in faith, rather than in My presence. I remain in the calm waters of reality as I see it. All that happens is simply the implementation of My overall plan for your world coming to a close. Use each moment from now on to practice My presence from My place of rest and refreshing. In the turbulent times ahead, that will be the place where you will find Me. Others will be looking for Me to change their world and protect their possessions in places of turmoil and urgency. You come to Me where I have taught you to find Me. We will move together in the power of My might, implementing My desires each moment of every day.”

Joshua 5:13-14 NIV

13Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”

14“Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord, I have now come.”

Phil. 4:6-7 AMP

6Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything , but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests) with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.

7And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Few of us realize that our life with the Lord is not about winning or losing. It is not about our personal safety, the protection of our possessions, or the welfare of our little world. Everything is about the eternal plans of our God and Father.

So many of us have decided somewhere deep in the dark recesses of our selfish little hearts that, no matter what it says in the Word, God is there to serve us, rather than face the truth that we are created to serve Him. That may seem to be a very elementary statement; but the fact is, few of us have the solid understanding that none of this is really about us. It is all about God. We are simply players in His plan, deeply loved players, but players none the less.

Our pride causes us to want to be acknowledged and recognized. We all have a desire to feel needed and important. Often that translates into a self-centered kind of notion that we are somehow helping God. It is almost as if we have gone from our initial position of helpless insecurity, in which we realized our desperate need of a Savior, to a feeling of being indispensable to His plans.

As I look around at the many winds of doctrine that flourish in these times, few of them have centered on the absolute sovereignty of God. Few teach that all of this is not about us. We are never really told to grow up, take God’s Word in its entirety, and look at the overall picture. If we should ever do that, our whole perspective will change and any worries will fall pale in light of His glory. God will again be placed in the position of honor that is due Him, a place high above anything we can fathom from our lowly perspectives.

Wanting to always say “Abba,” never “Uncle,”

Jim Corbett

Thursday, April 17, 2014


“You do not understand the war that you are in. If I were to show you the vast array of weapons that your adversary has, allow you to see in the spiritual realm the might of the forces that have been sent against you, and show you how incapably you have engaged in the war that is yours, you would cease to exist. Your presence on the earth would be a dim memory. You need to remember something. You are engaged in a war. It is not an option for you. You either join with Me to do battle My way, or you do battle your way and lose, just as you have been doing for so long.

Your battle is spiritual and it must be fought with spiritual weapons to have any effect. Most of you have never even done so much as examine closely My intended use for the weapons that I have provided for you. You have only observed the flailing gymnastics that have been purported to be My power at work. Those foolish gyrations have done little to stem the darkness. In fact, because of their ineffectiveness, many of My people have walked away from the battlefront in disgust. They have been nullified because of the false power portrayed by so-called leaders.

You, My people, have become numb to the real focus of your lives and hamstrung by your perceptions of what that life is all about. Now, if I were to show you My power in comparison to that of the enemy, you would never be the same. If you will spend the kind of time with Me that I desire, I will show you the real war and the overwhelming power that I possess. I would also show you how to succeed My way.”

2 Kings 6:15-17 NIV

15When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh, my lord, what shall we do?” the servant asked.

16“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

17And Elisha prayed, “Oh Lord, open his eyes so he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Hosea 4:6 AMP

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge…

The verses in 2 Kings are self-explanatory. They portray the provision for the people of God, if only they would open their eyes.

Hosea 4:6 is not so self-explanatory, and has been misquoted and misused for centuries. Satan has blinded the church for many years with his interpretation of the intent of the verse.

The common use for the verse is the part, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” It has been used for everything from gaining more wisdom, to seeking the Lord more, to making sure that you spend more time in the Word. All of these have their place.

However, God intended the verse to have a different impact. He was chastising His people for their rejection of knowledge, which caused helpless, unknowing people to perish. His heart was breaking for those who had no knowledge because His people - who were supposed to teach them - could share nothing with them because they had nothing to give. They had rejected real knowledge.

It is the same today. You and I are being trained to reign as priests and kings. We are supposed to be utilizing our privilege of coming before our Lord’s throne of grace to receive the grace needed for everything. We are called to learn absolute truth from Him. Instead, we learn from those who spend little time with God, traditions, and mythical stories. People are perishing in the church and in the world because we, the priestly nation, have the real source of knowledge but never really go to the well to drink.

May Your thoughts and Your ways be ours, O God,

Jim Corbett

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


“Few will understand the anointing that I have placed on your life. Why would they think any differently? To the world, you look like a fool. To most of My church, you are a fanatic because of your burning zeal. Some have attempted to quench your fire. Others have discarded you. Most cannot see past your human flaws, so they minimize what I do through you.

You need to come and rest in Me. I will show you what to do and where to do it. Soon your life will be a litany of My deeds in which you have participated. Those who can see will marvel at My power. They may never even notice nor care whom I used to accomplish such mighty works, so you will get no credit for what has been done. That’s OK. I have noticed.”

Matthew 6:19-21 NIV

19“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Matt. 13:54-58 AMP

54And coming to His own country [Capernaum], He taught in their synagogue so that they were amazed with bewildered wonder, and said, Where did this Man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?

55Is not this the carpenter’s Son? Is not His mother called Mary? And are not His brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?

56And do not all His sisters live here among us? Where then did this Man get all this?

57And they took offense at Him [that is, they were repelled and hindered from acknowledging His authority, and caused to stumble]. But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.

58And He did not do many works of power there, because of their unbelief (their lack of faith in the divine mission of Jesus).

As best as I can understand, the Lord is raising up some very ordinary people to do extraordinary stuff. At present, they are the people who get little notice other than judgment and scorn by some who don’t understand. Those in training have little of the world’s resources. They can give no explanation as to why they are in the humbling situation in which they find themselves, and they seem to care less and less about the world and its ways. But wait.

Wait until the Lord gives His command to those who have been trained to respond only to Him. Many will see Jesus through the lives of those who serve Him and Him alone—those who are willing to not be noticed when He moves through them. I believe that Father God will soon call forth a peculiar people who are deeply in love with Jesus, and ready and willing to impact their world with His kind of love.

Looking only to You, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


“I am amazed at how little most of My church is responding to the warnings that I have given them. I have called them to repent of their sins of pride and selfishness. They have responded by consulting Me less and relying more on their own strength. I have urged them to sell what they have and buy gold from Me refined in the fire. They have responded by using My blessings to pad their own comfort areas. I have called them to a crucified life, one that is dead to self and alive only to My Word. They have responded by living a life of hedonism in the midst of need.

My servants go without necessary tools while the provision for tools is converted into play toys and castles made of sand. My Word is used for excuses to remain justified in sin. My heart for the lost is ignored. Even when I have opened the door to allow judgment to enter the world, you, My church, ignore the warnings and continue on your path of proven destruction. When I am placed in second place of anything, it is not good. I will not remain there for long, no matter how self-reliant and powerful you think you are.

Be assured that I am producing a series of final warnings to My church. You must repent now. You must surrender fully to Me while there is still time. You have no idea how close you are to the total destruction of your world as you know it. Soon all of your self–serving gold will be worth nothing. Your power will be gone. Your influence will be scorned. Your safety nets will be torn and destroyed. You will be totally bankrupt, because you have lost what you have relied upon and have ignored true wealth. You will become slaves to those who speak languages that you do not understand. They will inherit your vast holdings and dwellings built of greed. Do not ignore My warnings any longer. Sell out fully to Me now. The day will come when you will wish that you had.”

Isaiah 48:3 NIV

“I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass.”

Jeremiah 5:15-19 AMP

15Behold, I am bringing a nation upon you from afar, O house of Israel, says the Lord. It is a mighty and enduring nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language you do not know, nor can you understand what they say.

16Their quiver is [filled with deadly missiles] like an open sepulcher [filled with dead bodies; the foes] are all mighty men (heroes).

17They shall consume your harvest and your food; they shall consume your sons and your daughters; they shall consume your flocks and your herds; they shall consume your vines and your fig trees. They shall break down and impoverish your fortified cities in which you trust, with the sword [they shall destroy them].

18But even in those days, says the Lord, I will not make a full and complete end of you.

19And when your people say, Why has the Lord our God done all these things to us? then you shall answer them, As you have forsaken Me, says the Lord, and have served strange gods in your land, so shall you serve strangers (gods) in a land that is not yours.

I believe that you should bookmark this message. When I first received it, I felt in my heart that it was a timely message; but it was a message that should be shared by those of you who will be able to minister to others when times become more intense.

I am aware that these “Father’s Heart” messages are e-mailed to probably some of the most “sold out” members of the church – you who have already heard the wooing of the Lord and are drawing close with all of your heart. Your sincerity is more than likely already bringing life to many in your daily walk with the Lord and your personal outreaches are preparing countless numbers for bridehood. Heed this message, of course; but also place it in your portfolio.

In keeping with our directive of equipping you in your personal outreaches, I believe that this message has been given at this time for now and for future use. Prepare to use it over and over to stimulate conversation, impart conviction, and explain the times and seasons that will soon be upon us. May you use it wisely, and may the power of the Holy Spirit powerfully anoint all that you do. You are valuable and an honor to love.

In Your mercy, prepare us, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Monday, April 14, 2014


“Come to Me! It doesn’t matter how small your concern is or how large the challenge before you presents. Come to Me! I have decided to always be there for you. Jesus made the way. When your life becomes a heavy weight, I am there. When you rejoice, I am there. I can’t see the size of your mountain. I only see the joy of being on the other side of it, whether you must go over it or I move it aside. Come to Me! I have chosen to walk with you through your life. I am now the center of your life. I love you!”

Hebrews 13:5b AMP

…for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]

Hebrews 13:6 AMP

So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me?

Since the cross, when the veil before the Holy of Holies was ripped in two, puny mankind - who previous to this time was truly on the outside looking in - has the kind of access to God that the angelic creation will never have. We can now come directly into the presence of God anytime we desire to go there and are accepted as if Jesus Himself entered.

Stop and ponder that, and then ask yourself why in the world we don’t spend the majority of our time in His presence. That is how limited and puny our thinking is! Of course, the Lord did say that His thoughts and ours are two different things, and this example certainly proves it. We settle for so little, and it must grieve the heart of God how often we miss what He’s made available.

“Thank You” and “forgive me” don’t even begin to cover it, Lord!

Jim Corbett

Saturday, April 12, 2014


“Never compromise what I’ve called you to do! Never allow others to deter your calling with their carnal wisdom and street logic. I have trained you for a specific mission. There is purpose for your life. Others have not heard what you have heard from Our time together. Others have not been through the refiner’s fires you have endured and from which you’ve benefited.

Walk with My counsel. Join with others who are moving in the same direction in which you have been called to go, but never allow them to change your course. Seek wise counsel, yes; but the final approval of your life will come from Our time together. Rely on My Word. Rely on the wisdom I have given you. You are called and anointed to a specific task. Your life is important! Let’s move and have Our being together!”

Acts 15: 36-40 AMP

36And after some time Paul said to Barnabas, Come, let us go back and again visit and help and minister to the brethren in every town where we made known the message of the Lord, and see how they are getting along.

37Now Barnabas wanted to take with them John called Mark [his near relative].

38But Paul did not think it best to have along with them the one who had quit and deserted them in Pamphylia and had not gone on with them to the work.

39And there followed a sharp disagreement between them, so that they separated from each other, and Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus.

40But Paul selected Silas and set out, being commended by the brethren to the grace (the favor and mercy) of the Lord.

Acts 21:13 AMP

Then Paul replied, What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart like this? For I hold myself in readiness not only to be arrested and bound and imprisoned at Jerusalem, but also [even] to die for the name of the Lord Jesus.

Obedience is big to Father God. An obedient Christian is developed over time through direct contact with the Lord, allowing Him to change the rebellion in each of our hearts. As He refines us, He also defines our lives. Each of us is tailor-made to live a specific life, which is ordained by God Himself and accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit. To have someone, who hasn’t heard what you’ve heard and hasn’t paid the price that you’ve paid in prayer, try to modify what you’ve been called to do is a violation of the trust the Lord has placed in you. It’s an attempt to redefine the life the Father has called you to live.

It is very important to find trusted friends who understand who you are in Christ and are dedicated to always speaking truth to you, so that you can keep your direction in life in line with the Word of God. However, you are the only one who will answer for your life when you come face to face with the Lord. He has the final say in either calling your life significant or lighting the bonfire that contains the wood, hay, and stubble you’ve presented to Him.

Your way, not my way, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Friday, April 11, 2014


“I know that you have heard this many times before, but I really am your answer. Whatever your question might be, the answer is still the same. Through Jesus, you have unlimited access to Me. Whenever you come to Me, I impart more of Myself to you. My nature is grace. My nature is mercy. Come to Me. I will give you what will fulfill your every need and answer every question you have. I love you.”

Ps. 120:1 AMP

IN MY distress I cried to the Lord, and He answered me.

Romans 3:22 NIV

This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.

II Cor. 1:3-4 AMP

3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of sympathy (pity and mercy) and the God [Who is the Source] of every comfort (consolation and encouragement),

4Who comforts (consoles and encourages) us in every trouble (calamity and affliction), so that we may also be able to comfort (console and encourage) those who are in any kind of trouble or distress, with the comfort (consolation and encouragement) with which we ourselves are comforted (consoled and encouraged) by God.

For thousands of years, the world was crying out for relief from their bondages; God gave them Jesus. He imparted His very nature as every answer to every question and need people had. He still answers all of our requests in the same way. Once we understand that all of our fulfillment, all of our hope, and everything we need to fill any void we will ever have is in Christ, we will be free.

Jesus, we couldn’t make it without You!

Jim Corbett

Thursday, April 10, 2014


“In the coming times I ask you to seek out what I am doing in the secret places. It is not a place for the carnal follower of Jesus. I will share the deep places of My heart only with those who have proven themselves trustworthy over time. Prepare for many changes that lie ahead. Resolve in your hearts to make Me your priority or you will find yourself incapable of properly dealing with situations that come your way. You need to find My heart.”

Exodus 33:13-16 NIV

13“If I have found favor in your eyes, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.”

14The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

15Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.

16How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?”

Psalm 25:12 NIV

Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him.

Psalm 111:2 NIV

Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.

Luke 12:1 NIV

Meanwhile, when a crowd of many thousands had gathered, so that they were trampling on one another, Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying: “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.”

I am convinced that the Lord is removing the yeast of the Pharisees from His people. He is intense in His desire to bring us into a renewed relationship of absolute truth for those who will submit to His hand of training.

In these coming times, the only place to be is on His lap, listening to His heart, and implementing His wishes after deep communion with Him. Religious games are a thing of the past. I am convinced He will use only those who commit to deep communion with Him. Any other actions we take will be tainted with our fleshly desires and will show those around us how powerless our empty religious activities really are.

Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


“As you know, a treasure is whatever you hold close to your heart. When you treasure the things that are dear to My heart, I participate in them with you. My presence becomes part of what you treasure. Unlike the worldly lusts of your flesh that burn for awhile and then fall away, the things We cherish together are eternal. If you really care about the things that I care about, I am free to flood you with more of My treasures and My desires. You are then free to gleefully involve yourself with the delights of My heart throughout your life and into eternity with Me.

Seek to desire the things that are close to My heart with all of your heart. Your days will then become full and prosperous as I pour Myself into your life. When others observe your life, they will see what I hold close simply because you hold it close and you look like Jesus to them. They will also see what Jesus holds close. That is good! I treasure that kind of life.”

Psalm 37:4 NIV

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Matthew 6:19-21 NIV

19“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

As we delight ourselves in the Lord, He places His desires in our hearts and then He fulfills them. When you think about it, what a wonderful promise of safety we have in Him. He promises that when we seek Him with all of our hearts, we will find Him. When we find Him, we find answers for everything we need. If we follow His pattern, we can’t go wrong. Could it be then, that if we do find ourselves with unanswerable questions, we haven’t sought Him with the diligence that is needed to hear His heart?

Wanting to be close to my Father,

Jim Corbett

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


“There is coming a time when proclaiming My true Gospel will be against the law. In that soon coming time, to say that you are a follower of Jesus will cost you everything, even your life. Your lives will mirror the lives of My early church and the lives of many who have gone before you as martyrs. How will you fare during those times? Who will you hate? How long will you fight for your rights or your right to be right?

I am preparing you to act as Jesus acted, so that those who hate you because of Him will see My love for them. When will you wake up? When will you see the times in which you live and begin to prepare yourself to glorify Me when people will take joy in hating you? Time is short. Prepare now! I need you to be able to love as Jesus loves when the world is reeling in hatred of My truths.”

Isaiah 48:3 NIV

“I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass.”

Jeremiah 12:5 AMP

[But the Lord rebukes Jeremiah’s impatience, saying] If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? And if [you take flight] in a land of peace where you feel secure, then what will you do [when you tread the tangled maze of jungle haunted by lions] in the swelling and flooding of the Jordan?

Acts 8:1&4 NIV

1On that day, a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.

4Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.

2 Cor. 1:8-10 NIV

8We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life.

9Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.

10He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us…

From the novel, A White Stone, by Jim and Merry Corbett

“My friend, why don’t you just listen and let me explain.” As he poured each of them a diet soda, Carl began. “For as long as I can remember, I have been deeply concerned about this world and its growing global problems, as my father was before me and his father before him. I sat many long hours at my father’s knee as he explained the “special” people and organizations and plans that really ran this world. They orchestrated the rise and fall of governments, implemented wars and skirmishes; and, in general, did what was necessary to bring forth their overall agenda for a peaceful society.

“When I became old enough and was allowed to join these organizations, I gratefully did; knowing that they had the answers to the world’s needs: a unified world, a “New World Order” with one democratic government, one people, one plan, and one common good, all controlled from one place and policed by one police force. It would be a utopian society, where only peace and safety exist for those who desire it. The plans were not being carried out by one organization, however; but by thousands of organizations - many, many levels of operation that knowingly or unknowingly were fulfilling that ultimate goal.” Carl gestured toward the panel they had just walked through. “This is one small section of many such locations, all in place to do the required work when called upon.”

Carl took Tom’s glass and refilled it without asking Tom if he wanted any more. It didn’t matter, however, for Tom was too interested in what Carl was saying to even notice. He again sat across from Tom and continued.

“I thought no one knew about this plan. For as long as I can remember, I was taught never to share anything I knew about our work. Sure, there were always remote articles written, and periodically, someone would uncover some plan or another talking about the secret societies; but they would be discredited or disappear or something and it would all be over. Great pains had been taken to hide all of this,” Carl stated, again pointing to the paneled wall. Then quietly, he began again, looking directly into Tom’s eyes.

“Can you imagine my astonishment when I began reading the Bible? What I had been a part of almost all my life, thinking we had this revolutionary idea for the final good of all mankind, hating God or at least thinking we were doing it without God - if there really was one - had been foretold by Him from the beginning. We are scheming our way right into what God predicted all along that mankind would do. What an awesome God!” Tom smiled as Carl marveled at the ingenuity of His God, Lord and Friend, and then continued.

Your ways are amazing, Lord!

Jim Corbett

Monday, April 7, 2014


“Do you realize how important one soul won for eternity is to Me? It is important enough for Me to hold up My plans until the last one comes in. I wish that none should perish, so I will wait. You need to repent of your non-caring attitude. It is not My heart. It is not the heart of Jesus.

Determine this moment to seek Me to change your heart. I need you to be My representatives. I may need you to touch the very last person, so that all things can come to pass. It may be one of the most important reasons that you have been given breath.”

Prov. 11:30 AMP

The fruit of the [uncompromisingly] righteous is a tree of life. And he who is wise captures human lives [for God, as a fisher of men – he gathers and receives them for eternity].

Matthew 11:12 NIV

“From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.”

II Cor. 2:14-16a AMP

14But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere,

15For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which exhales] unto God, [discernible alike] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing:

16aTo the latter it is an aroma [wafted] from death to death [a fatal odor, the smell of doom]; to the former it is an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh].

Everything that Satan has is being thrown at you and me to sway us from our destiny of loving God above everything else and then loving our neighbor as ourselves. If we would one day wake up to the fact that we really are in a war, one to hinder the work of God, we would never be defeated again.

So many times, we think that success is finding ourselves overcoming some personal trial. Have you ever considered that the trials that are not intended to build us up and make us more like Jesus are intended to stop us from reaching others for Jesus? We spend so much time attempting to make ourselves more comfortable, that we have already placed ourselves on the sidelines in the battle for souls.

Let Your heart of compassion beat steadily in me, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Saturday, April 5, 2014


“Love others as I have loved you. Turn from thinking only of yourself. It consumes too much of your time and energy. When functioning outside of My ways, your carnal mind begins to worry and becomes concerned about the circumstances around you, because it can only function in carnal ways while living in carnal responses.

When you love others with selfless love, you function in spiritual realms where the Holy Spirit moves to change you. My power anoints your days. My presence brings you the kind of peace that allows you to remain functioning with Me, no matter what is happening around you. Choose this day to love others as I love. I will then choose to bring Myself into your midst.”

Most of us fail to continually function in the spiritual realm because we have such limited knowledge of how it works. We don’t understand that powerful spiritual tools - such as loving someone or forgiving someone, especially someone who hates us or misuses us - initiate spiritual responses from our Lord. These responses change our character more and more into the character of Jesus each time we choose to function in them, rather than functioning in our old carnal ways of hate and unforgiveness. God’s spiritual responses bring us close to Him, while carnal reactions keep us imprisoned in our old carnal ways and submitted to the father of lies.

Most of us go through this walk with our God void of any of the fullness that was intended for us. Our days are filled with seemingly meaningless - but at the time urgent - tasks that fill our time until we are caught in an endless circle of lifeless days. There is reason for this: it is because we do not love others as God does. Here’s what His Word says:

John 15: 9-14 NIV “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10) If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11) I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12) My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13) Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command.”

The Father saw Jesus through His kind of love and His joy was complete. Jesus saw us through His and His Father’s kind of love, and His joy was complete. He told us of His Father’s ways, so that our joy may be complete. He has us in mind in all that He does. We see others through our imperfect, selfish kind of love and wonder why we have little or no joy. It doesn’t take much reasoning to figure out the simplicity of God’s equation.

It goes like this: Choose to love others with God’s motives for loving someone, and then there will be great joy in every area of your life. If you choose not to love with God’s kind of love, joy will not be found in you, at least not complete joy.”

Let Your joy be complete in me and through me,

Jim Corbett

Friday, April 4, 2014


“How much time have you spent in the last several days petitioning Me for the souls of those who are lost? What part of your life is spent in doing something so that those who don’t know Jesus may come to understand His Lordship? I know the answer! Why would you spend most of your days ignoring something that is so dear to My heart? Jesus gave His life to provide a means of hope for those who are lost. You need to pass on the incredible gift you have been given.”

Esther 4:13-14 AMP

13Then Mordecai told them to return this answer to Esther, Do not flatter yourself that you shall escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews.

14For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion?

Psalm 51:10 AMP

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.

Isaiah 30:21 NIV

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

Hosea 4:6 AMP

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge…

Hosea 13:6 NIV

“When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me.”

God has a people who have been raised up to be His representatives, ambassadors who have the command to show others truth. It is their only purpose for taking in and releasing His air. To do anything other than that with their time and energy minimizes their time in doing what they are called to do. Those people are called His church.

Anyone who does not know the Lord, and therefore is not a member of His church, is not capable of obeying His commands. If we say that we are members of the church of Jesus Christ, then you and I have work to do if we say we honor God. Jesus showed us the way. It’s time to walk in it!

I choose to follow in Your footsteps, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Thursday, April 3, 2014


“Will you pour your life into someone who doesn’t care if I ask you to do it? Will you continue to give and give when the ones to whom I send you can only take? When will you say, “Enough”? When will you lay down the cross I give you?

I need lovers of those who hate Me. I need examples of the crucified life of Jesus. I need a people whose love is deeper than the hate that comes against them. Will you love as Jesus loved for My sake and for the benefit of someone who has no idea of your pain? Will you stay on the cross I give you until I remove you? Jesus stayed there for you! Now it’s your turn.”

Matt. 5:11-12 NIV

11NIV ”Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

John 4:34 NIV

“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”

John 15:12-14 NIV

12“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

13Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.

14You are my friends if you do what I command.”

I Cor. 13:7-8a AMP

7Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].

8aLove never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]…

Compassion, which is stimulated by the spirit of mourning ever-present in the heart of Father God, is the conduit of the flow of power to heal infirmities and touch hearts. If it does not function in each of us, nothing eternal can be accomplished; only fleshly results will materialize. No wonder most of the church is powerless in so many situations.

Those who share the spirit of compassion with the Lord will not “weary in well–doing,” and will work unflaggingly until the last soul has been brought into the Kingdom of God. As Paul said, “I am again as if in birth pains until Christ is formed in you...”

When the last soul has been brought in, when all of the intended work of the Father is finished, the compassion of the Father and those who have been made like Him will be satisfied. Only then will the compassionate be comforted and cease from laboring towards that end (mourning.)

Thank You for Your example, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


“Don’t tell me that you love Me if you close your heart to those to whom I send you. Don’t sing your praise to Me with your fists clenched tightly around what is Mine for you to give away. Do you really believe that you are acting like Jesus when you have no compassion for the needs of others? What gospel are you following? Who are you really following?

The world loves its own and provides for the needs of those who fall or are hurt. Where are My hands of compassion? Where is the extension of My love? Everything that you own has been bought from you by the blood of Jesus. I gave it to you in the first place. How can you reach out in the love of Jesus with your hands in your own pockets?

That is not the way of Jesus. That is not My way! Whose example are you following? Where is the cross in your life?”

John 15:13 AMP

No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends.

I John 3:17-18 AMP

17But if anyone has this world’s goods (resources for sustaining life) and sees his brother and fellow believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live and remain in him?

18Little children, let us not love [merely] in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity).

We really need to take stock in our lives. What are our priorities? What do we value? For what does our heart long?

Let’s rephrase those questions in a way that will be asked of us on the day we stand before the Lord face to face. What priorities did you place above Mine? What did you value more than Jesus and My desires for your life? What did you long for in your heart that had no eternal value?

Let me walk in the truth of Your Word, Lord,

Jim Corbett

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


“It’s time to fall in love with Jesus again. Mechanical Christianity cannot and will not work. It never has. It will not now. Those who were sent to the arena would have cursed Me, if they had not been passionately in love, burning with zeal, and intimately concerned for My Word to be performed in their lives. I chose them to carry the torch of My love into the darkness of their world. The privilege of carrying the Name of My Son cost them everything, a price they were delighted to pay. They loved with a loyal love. They could not and did not play the kind of Christian games that your generation is playing. Hypocrites were found out quickly. Religious bigots turned and ran.

I am asking you once again to carry My love into the darkness. You are in training in a season of relative peace. Flee from your cold fellowships that contain cold people and useless programs. Fall on your face and do what it takes to fall deeply in love with Jesus. It is the only way you will properly represent Him when I call for you.”

Jeremiah 12:5 AMP

[But the Lord rebukes Jeremiah’s impatience, saying] If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? And if [you take flight] in a land of peace where you feel secure, then what will you do [when you tread the tangled maze of jungle haunted by lions] in the swelling and flooding of the Jordan?

Amos 5:21 AMP

I hate, I despise your feasts, and I will not smell a savor or take delight in your solemn assemblies.

Heb. 12:1 AMP

Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us.

It is so easy to forget our real purpose for living. It is difficult for us to understand that those who willingly gave up their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ were the same kind of people we are.

Someone once said: “God does not call equipped people; He equips called people.” You need to know that you are called by God as His personal representative. He is, at this very moment, equipping you for mighty things, like laying your life down for another, loving those who hate you, understanding that you are not your own and have been bought with the high price of the life of Jesus, etc. etc.

Time for another overhaul, Lord,

Jim Corbett