Friday, December 26, 2014


“How are you preparing your house so that it is in order? What kind of training are you participating in to become a leader in the future activities of My design? What are you teaching your neighbors and your children by your style of living? There are three postures that My church has taken in these dangerous times and seasons. Some have chosen to continue in the false hope that everything in their selfish world will remain the same. They have made the decision to not prepare themselves for what is ahead, and rely on others to determine their belief system. Foolishly going about their puny lives, they push aside conviction of sin, refuse to address issues in their lives that are out of order; and separate themselves from anyone who is seeking holiness. They are useless to My cause and have been nullified from My plan to save those around them.

Others have observed the seasons, have chosen to seek Me because of fear; and are preparing their places of safety. They are oblivious to My heart and will not enter into My chambers to receive instruction for the times ahead. These dry souls will fail Me at the first sign of danger and distract My people because of their own needs. I am sad for their wasted lives.

You, My children, have sought My heart and have embraced the training that I have sent your way. You have seen that the only place to be is in My presence to receive what is needed to rise above all that is about to occur. I am teaching your hearts to run to every need with which I am concerned, bathed in My presence and basking in the light of My glory. I am delighted with you. I will use you to bring those who will hear into My kingdom. You will be harvesters in the ripe fields that are all around you. You will prosper as I see prosperity, defending My Word and My Spirit before those who are oblivious to the truth. You are My holy, prepared people. I am with you as you rush, fully equipped, to the needs I present to you.”

Eph. 4:22-24 NIV

22You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;

23to be made new in the attitude of your minds;

24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Merry and I once had the sad opportunity to observe a couple who chose not to address some sin issues in their lives. More than likely this was not the first time they had the opportunity to be washed from their chosen folly. It was pitiful to watch them tap-dance around the issues presented with well-rehearsed and practiced denial of any wrong-doing when challenged. Instead of embracing the opportunity to repent of their sin, they pointed an accusing finger toward others and wallowed one more time in the same sin with which they were presently being confronted, right before our eyes. It was really slick to watch, but horrible to see, as they refused any accountability for their harmful actions.

They had probably refused accountability so often that their hearts were hardened to any kind of counsel, because the Lord had us back off from further discussion of the matter with them. We are afraid that the Lord may have since chosen to turn them over to their sin because of their refusal to respond to His prompting once more. It is frightening to observe and more frightening to understand that they did not fool God. He is relentless against harbored sin in the lives of His children.

Christians are being given the opportunity to make proper life choices each and every day. God is weeding out those who refuse to be washed in the cleansing fire of His love from those who are really His with all of their hearts. He is separating those whom He will be able to trust with His anointing from those who have cast off His convicting presence to embrace worldly folly and familiar sin for a season. Anyone who consistently denies God’s opportunities to repent is truly a fool, and fools will never have the privilege of flowing in the presence and power of God.

Remove all foolishness from my heart, Lord,

Jim Corbett

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