Wednesday, July 8, 2015


“Some of you have grown weary in My calling on your life. Some of you are still searching to find what that calling is. Soon, all of you will be needed to function in your gifts so that My work will be completed around you. To those of you who do not know specifically what your calling is, you need to rest in the fact that I know where you are at present; but understand that I have a specific mission for you. Search My heart. While you are waiting for specifics, function in love. Do not contrive some form of service in an attempt to please Me. Do not follow the fools who tell you to practice becoming someone I have not called you to be. Love Me; love people. Serve others at prayerful interludes. Above all, be at peace and seek My will. If you do these things, you will begin to flow in My anointing for you. It will come naturally, rather than contrived for My benefit or the benefit of others.

Those of you to whom I have given a specific calling, do what it takes to develop that calling. Begin now if you are not already functioning in it. You do not want to waste another moment procrastinating or waiting for more signs from Me. I have shown you who you are. Function in what you love to do for the benefit of others, even if it doesn’t fit the mold that others attempt to place you in. That is more than likely My plan for your life. Make sure that what you do is in line with My Word, and move forward. I will meet you to confirm your direction. If you are already moving with Me, seek Me to see if I intend to modify or amplify your mission in any way. I will continually be there for you as you walk with Me through the trials that are meant to refine you, and expose your heart for service.

Shake off any weariness. It is not of Me. Allow Me to show you how to let Me carry the weight of your anointing. Trust in Me with all your heart, and I will walk with you to complete your life’s work. I love you. Let’s have fun together as We love each other and those around us!”

Isa 30:20-21 AMP

20And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide Himself any more, but your eyes will constantly behold your Teacher.

21And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.

John 20:21 NIV

Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

2 Ti 1:6 NIV

For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

So often, the urgent smothers the important in our lives. What most of us tend to forget is that one day all the urgencies of today will fall away. That is not the time to discover that you’ve missed God’s calling on your life because you didn’t spend the time with Him to find out what He considered important for your life.

In trying to discover God’s calling on our lives, many function in busy work instead of God’s work. We stir up a lot of dust and have a modicum of success; but never really know if we are where He wants us to be. We may be involved in good things, but are they part of our specific calling?

On the other hand, some of us have determined in our own minds what our mission is and we’re waiting for the Lord to get in line with our wishes. That is never going to happen. More than likely, He has been dealing with our pride all along. Once that is recognized, He will be able to move us where we are intended to be.

Serving God is simply flowing in what we love to do, if we have cultivated a life of waiting on God and His Word. As we spend time with Him, for His sake, He places desires in our hearts and then He fulfills them naturally and peacefully through us. There is no mystery to God’s anointing. It is present when we are in His will.

Be assured, God has a plan for your life. All of it is based on His love flowing through you to others. As you love as He loves, and care as He cares, you will thrive in your calling. Ministry will be happening.

Wanting only what my Father wants for my life,

Jim Corbett

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