Saturday, December 14, 2013


“As We are becoming closer, there are several necessary steps you must take so that you might move more freely with Me. To begin with, I want you to make a list of everyone who has offended you or caused you harm to the point where you cannot let it go, or who is still controlling your emotions in any way by their former or present actions. I want you to tell Me everyone against whom you are holding a grudge or have any unforgiveness for in your heart. You are sinning against Me by holding their offenses against them.

Present your sin to Me. You need to forgive them. I will hold you close as you do this, so do not be afraid. Next, in your time, we will deal with them. As you bring them to Me, I will heal your wounds and place forgiveness in your heart toward the offender. This could take time, so allow Me to give you power to make every presentation. Hold on to My love and have no fear. What has held you in bondage for so long will finally be removed. You will be set free.

Here is something that you need to know. Unforgiveness is bondage. You are the one who is held immobilized when you hold anything against another. You may think that you are in control of the other person when you hold his offense against him, but the reverse is always true. You live daily with what he may have forgotten long ago, so you are the only one affected by your dark heart. Determine to forgive now. It is one of the first steps to freedom and it releases My power to work through you.”

Matthew 6:14-15 NIV

14“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Some of the most miserable people I have ever seen are those who will not forgive offenses. Look at the nations, the countries, and the rivalries of the world. Forgiveness, even from one of the parties, would end confrontations.

Few of us realize that we are the only ones hurt when we hold any offense against the offender. A person full of unforgiveness is often difficult to be with, needs to be in control; and is more than likely overly-sensitive in other areas. His life gets out of order until the sin is dealt with. It is the “one sin judging another sin” foolishness that brings us difficulties and separates us from God. Our sin can even make us sick.

Someone once said, “Forgiveness is the ardent desire to bear the consequences of another person’s sin.” Jesus’ death and resurrection was the epitome of forgiveness. Even from the cross, He loved. When He forgave, He overcame.

If we look at unforgiveness as sin—a sin that is covered by the cross—we can deal with it just like any other sin, and go to God for His forgiveness. Then we will be set free.

Make my list for me, Lord; and show me if I am sinning against another,

Jim Corbett

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